back at it


— पांच हजार सात सौ सोलह —

I came to work today with about 800 unread email messages. That sounds a lot worse than it is, and is actually fewer than it would be under normal circumstances, but between people working in stores before Thanksgiving last week and how many people take the day off the day after, not a huge amount of emails, particularly external ones, camein. And a huge percentage of those 800 emails were for issues in departments not revelant to me, just coming to my inbox because of the fucking countless email aliases I am on.

I have to leave work today at 3:15 to make it to a 4:00 doctor appointment—my annual physical this time. I thought it was going to be even tighter with two other one-hour meetings on the calendar, but mercifully, Justine canceled the all-Merchandising team meeting since we have our winter outing on Wednesday anyway. That leaves just the one meeting I had with Marie at 11:00.

— पांच हजार सात सौ सोलह —


— पांच हजार सात सौ सोलह —

As expected, I have little to update you on today, since I made the smart choice and posted an update last night.

I suppose I could tell you that, after last week and some extra opportunities for Shobhit to take part in social interactions to catch up with Laney being a bit ahead of him in the current fall Social Review standings, Shobhit and Laney are currently officially tied, at 22 points each. I'm seeing a movie with Laney on Friday though, which is going to give her a slight edge again. We have more movies on Sunday and the following Tuesday, which is going to pull her further ahead and less Shobhit takes part in more stuff before the 21st.

Oh. This is pretty big news. Shobhit's taking a trip to India, which he just booked last night. He won't be coming to Olympia with me for Christmas, as the cheapest itinerary had him, of course, flying out on Christmas Day. He'll get back January 18. This is a near guarantee that Laney will land on top in the Winter social review standings, but, we'll see I guess. That's just three and a half weeks out of three months after all. But, Laney and I are going to movies often multiple times a week, not to mention Happy Hours and holiday events, blah blah blah.

I'm not thrilled that Shobhit won't be with me for Christmas, but I can live with it. We always do our own personal Christmas on Christmas Eve morning anyway, and he'll still be here for that.

— पांच हजार सात सौ सोलह —


[posted 12:31 pm]

My Threads

  • Sun, 14:12: At one point in the movie I just saw, the main character says “I’m in the mood for adulation.” I have never felt more seen
  • Sun, 17:15: A decent film that doesn't quite succeed at being exceptional.
  • Sun, 18:55: I’ve seen many versions of this sentiment in my socials in the wake of the election, and this is a perfect encapsulation of how it comes across to a great many of us.