Sun, 09:34: I have still never visited India, so when Shobhit visits there I love to get photos of regular daily life there, as it’s so wildly different from here. One day I will visit!
1. Akshardham, Hindu temple in Delhi.
2. New Nizamuddin bridge, 551.2-meter (1,808-ft) bridge across the Yamuna River in Delhi. Shobhit says the walls were erected to prevent people from throwing trash into the river.
3. Outside Red Fort, historic Mughal fort in Delhi, built 1639-1648.
4-6. Typical Delhi traffic. They seem to regard traffic lane markers as more of “suggestions.”
7. Street market in Delhi.
8. Street and markets at Moonlight Square, Delhi.
9. “Gurdwara Sis Ganj Sahib,” Sikh temple originally built 1783 but most of current structure built 1930.
10. Street cows!
Fri, 23:18: An imperfect but irresistibly compelling sports drama: it's hard to deny young women who win prizes for kicking ass.