— पांच हजार सात सौ अस्सी तीन —
President Fuckwit is actively tearing apart the very fabric of America. It's a weird thing to witness, the shocking nature of it at the same time it was utterly predictable. This was the sort of shit I was terrified of when I went to bed on election night in 2020 thinking he had won, only to be utterly relieved the next morning to discover he had lost. This time, he decisively won, a horrid reflection of the American voting public. And the constant comparisons to Nazi Germany are not unfounded, the sole sliver of hope there being that President Fuckwit is far older than Hitler was when he first gained unilateral powers. I will be a great day indeed when that man drops dead, but the damage will have been done. The damage he has already done all of two months in office cannot be overstated.
So what do we do? We go to the movies, to forget our troubles! God knows how long that will continue to work, but for now, Laney and I went to see a forgettable but fun movie last night:
Novocaine, starring Jack Quaid as a guy who can't feel pain. A novel premise for an action comedy, which is unfortunately deeply undercooked character-wise but still pretty entertaining plot-wise. You can read my review for more detail.
The showtime was at 4:40. I left work at 4:10 and walked to Pacific Place; Laney was already there when I arrived. It was a drizzly day yesterday, and we both brought umbrellas, which we both used on our walk together back up Capitol Hill to Broadway after the movie.
— पांच हजार सात सौ अस्सी तीन —
Shobhit was in the middle of a virtual Board meeting with Seattle SAG-AFTRA when I got home. I reheated some pasta for dinner, went to the bedroom, and set about writing my review. Shobhit was done in about 45 minutes, and then he got ready for his own outing for the evening, a leather event over at Diesel bar. I just looked it up: it happens there every third Thursday of the month and is just billed as a "Leather Social." Shobhit went in his harness, the one he bought in Sydney, I think actually our first trip to Australia in 2020.
Shobhit did ask if I wanted to come. I might have actually considered it, even though I have and never will have interest in leather gear, but it could be a pleasant enough outing for drinks. Still I said no, which allowed me to spend the time Shobhit was away finishing up my draft of the Winter Social Review, which I
posted this morning. I was then in bed shortly before Shobhit returned.
— पांच हजार सात सौ अस्सी तीन —
— पांच हजार सात सौ अस्सी तीन —
I have mentioned this before, but I know it has been a while: as a general rule, I try to come up with some kind of common thread between the three photos I embed in my Daily Lunch Updates (DLUs). Sometimes the commonality is much more apparent than others—
yesterday's photos, for instance, we all taken on our trip to Phoenix last November; all have a similar, nighttime appearance with multicolored lights. Two of them were specifically illuminated art at "Canal Convergence," the free public art festival in Scottsdale; the third was taken from the freeway as Scott drove us all over there.
Anyway. Today's connective thread is far less obvious. For some reason I am compelled to share what it is: they are all somehow references, at least in context, to the movie last night,
Novocaine. The first shot, taken from the San Dego - Coronado Bridge during a day trip from Los Angeles to San Diego in 2016, was chosen because that's the city where
Novocaine is set. The other two are more obscure references—to dentistry, albeit neither of them directly. The middle shot was taken at Seattle Municipal Tower, where I went to a dentist for many years, until the moved to a different building. The last shot, below, was taken from the top (18th) floor of Cabrini Medical Tower on First Hill—where the new dentist I just recently moved to is located.
San Diego and Dentistry! All because of
I don't usually bother to explain this, but a lot of times, I really think about the photos I am choosing, even if the connections are as vague as this.
I guess you could just say this is yet another example of how I overthink things.
— पांच हजार सात सौ अस्सी तीन —
[posted 12:29 pm]