november quickie

Having an uneventful evening last night was actually kind of a relief. I had seriously considered going to yet another movie, but the one I had scheduled wasn't exactly something I was super excited about, and that would have made the fourth movie in as many days -- three movies on three days in a row is enough for now, I think. I may see something tomorrow night; after that I have no time for another movie until at least Sunday. Tonight I need to make the eggnog quickbread I intend to bring for the Thanksgiving Potluck at work tomorrow.
I didn't bring a dish either last year or the year before so I decided I would bring something again this year. Actually I did bring something in 2015, but couldn't make it because I did not realize until bringing the dish that the oven would not be available for reheating dishes anymore. And even with a far larger kitchen now, we still only have the one oven. I haven't been able to offer something since 2014 -- which, like 2013, was the eggnog quickbread. (In 2015 I was going to share veggie chicken enchilada casserole, but I couldn't.)
I'm going to make a bunch of that eggnog quickbread this year. I intend to bring some to work tomorrow; to Gina's for Thanksgiving itself next week; and to Mom and Bill's when Shobhit and I visit them in Idaho next month. Shobhit's thinking he will make pumpkin pie again for when we go to Gina's. I just realized that may depend on whether he can still get fresh rather than canned pumpkin, which, when he made it before, seemed to have made all the difference.
So anyway, I walked home yesterday, using my new umbrella that is the same as the one annihilated in the wind storm Monday night. There was a bit of a breeze again, but this time nothing the umbrella couldn't handle. We had PCC pizza for dinner, since we had a half off $10 in the Deli coupon and Shobhit picked up a take-and-bake pizza with that coupon last weekend on his way home from work. We watched three episodes of Breaking News on Hulu and then we did the New York Times crossword.
Exciting stuff.

I just had the last two slices of leftover pizza from last night for lunch, in fact. I sat at the bar table facing the windows overlooking the Sound in our beautiful kitchen. Sara W came and asked if she could sit with me. We chatted for several minutes and it was very nice. She may even send me a referral for a therapist. Even though Shobhit and I are doing okay right now (even though he continues to drive me insane with his overbearing fixation on every fucking cent I spend), I want to be proactive about this. Things absolutely will get bad again at some point -- they do in every relationship -- and I want to start developing better skills for dealing with him, and my reactions when I feel he's being crazy irrational. Also, I'm not always the sweetest person in the world either. I know I'm not perfect. I'm just closer to it than most people!
I guess I'll just go ahead and get back to work now.

[posted 12:29 pm]