well, whatever

I'm at a loss for what to tell you about, since I last updated yesterday evening and the time since has been relatively uneventful. I mean, I suppose I could tell you about the monumentally stupid argument about money that I got into with Shobhit last night, but I'm not sure what utility there would be in it. The purge? I sure am sick of him being a genuine dick, acting completely irrationally, letting his displeasure with one thing I've done (which itself is no major sin to begin with -- like buying $15 tickets to a show I see every year), and then engaging in mental gymnastics to justify in his own mind bringing up a litany of other things to be pointlessly angry with me about. He just wants to tell me I'm wasting money on this, wasting money on that. I don't even spend that much money in the grand scheme of things.
That said, I did think very soon after the argument finally dissipated -- literally after he insisted on looking at my budget so he could "prove" to me how terrible my spending has been recently, only to come up empty -- about how my own behavior could be altered. It still takes two to perpetuate hostility. I need to learn better ways of reacting to his legitimately insane behavior, instead of just getting mad right back at him. He doesn't want to see Ham for the Holidays with me just because he thinks it's a waste of money? Fine. Don't come with me then. I need to find a way just to say "Okay, fine then" and move on. As much as I want to say he makes my blood boil, I have to take responsibility for being the one to let my own temperature get that hot to begin with.
I still need to find a therapist. I think it would help both of us if we both went, but Shobhit disagrees. I can't fix him and I can't make his decisions for him (God, I wish he would realize he can't do these things for me either), but I can work on myself. I clearly could benefit from it.

We did finalize all the bookings needed for our trip to Idaho on the 9th. I booked a hotel called The Hercules Inn the night before, when he wound up sleeping all evening. This was what Shelley suggested when we were there in May, and we were really unhappy with the Stardust Motel. The Stardust is still $20 cheaper per day, the Hercules being the second-cheapest available -- but for once, in this case, Shobhit didn't complain about choosing a more expensive option. These are kind of like condo suites, and only one was still available when I called -- and I had to call; very old-school, this place does not do online booking. I talked to a guy on the phone who had to look at his book.
Last night, we reserved an Enterprise rental -- and to a degree, we saved most of what more we had to pay for the hotel. I didn't even know you could get car rental discounts using a Costco membership, but Shobhit did. We got a base price for two days for the price of one. Adding insurance once we get to the Spokane airport on the 9th will still increase the cost significantly, but at least it'll be about $30 cheaper than it would have been without the Costco discount. I can appreciate that, at least.
I just had some leftover Field Roast Celebration Roast and parmesan mashed potatoes for lunch -- from yesterday's PCC Holiday Potluck. I only ate half of what I kept for leftovers, and am just hoping the rest will keep well enough still to be okay to eat on Monday.
Scott and Noah made some pasta using a pesto sample and I had a little bit of that too. It was really delicious -- maybe the best pesto I've ever tasted. Or at least, I don't think I've tasted better. That probably means this would be too expensive though. That's often how it goes with the higher quality product samples we get through here.

[posted 12:32 pm]