Tuesday Slump

Hey everyone, it's the Tuesday Slump again! I don’t mean that psychologically; I feel fine. I just have far less to write about after a massive Monday entry about all the events of the weekend. This seems to happen a lot.
Shobhit's getting all Rain Man about approaching Black Friday deals, I can tell you that much. I need to replace both my pairs of Levi's jeans (which he keeps pronouncing as "Lev-eyes," with a short e in the first syllable), and we basically did recon at downtown stores after work yesterday.
The thing is, half the stores we wanted to check, it turns out, don't even exist anymore. When the fuck did the Levi's Store on 6th Avenue close? There also used to be a clothing store in one of the basement levels of Pike Place Market, where we were initially going to meet, but when I walked there after work I discovered the space is just a T-shirt store now. This is what keeps happening when you start getting old, I guess: stores you once went to many times, you don't go to for several years, then you think you'll go back again -- and the world has changed!
Shobhit was a little behind in his walk from home and so we met at Macy's instead. Shobhit was all about finding out what time they close on Wednesday, because several years ago he discovered Black Friday prices to be in effect the last hour of operations the day before Thanksgiving. Yeah, well. In the Levi's section they confirmed they weren't doing any Black Friday deals on Levi's.
We also checked Nordstrom, and they had a truly pathetic, tiny selection of Levi's, none of them 501 button fly jeans, the only ones I will wear.
Now Shobhit is all about tracking when online deals might occur, maybe (but probably not) on the Macy's website and certainly on both the Levi's and Amazon websites.
Oh, we also checked the Norstrom Rack store. They actually had some 501 jeans in there, but only in gray. I don't want any fucking gray jeans. Anyway, that's what we did after work yesterday: peruse several stores just to see what 501 button fly Levi's jeans were in stock and potentially purchased with a deal on Black Friday.
He wanted to take the bus back home and so we did, packing like sardines into a #11 bus around 6 p.m. Then we had Costco Spanakopita for dinner. Too much of it. My weight was back up to 146.7 lbs this morning.

There was another incident last night, actually: I lost the key to the storage area that houses our unit in the garage. These units are behind a locked door which has its own key, the same size and design but different actual key from the building key that can be used to enter floors from stairwells. I always have it hanging on its own on the key rack, and I asked Shobhit to bring it so we could go pick up giftwrap on our way up to our condo once we got home.
This is the problem. I had the damned key in my hand to get into the storage area. I almost certainly also had it in my hand when I was unlocking the padlock on our storage shed. What I did with the key at that point, I have no idea. Usually I put it in my pocket, but I discovered after we got upstairs that I could not find the key anywhere at all. I actually went to a neighbor I slightly know -- she's looked after the cats in the past -- at the end of the hall on our floor to see if she had a key I could borrow. She had a key to a different storage area, to a door that is on the right from the elevator door in the garage rather than ours on the left. Hers, however, is the same key as the building key. What the hell? Why is our storage area the only one with a different key?
She still let me borrow the key to try. Predictably it did not work. I got back into the elevator area -- and another tenant was headed to storage! "Hey!" I said. "Are you going to storage? Is yours in the one on the right? Oh, thank God!" What fantastic timing.
Shobhit later got annoyed that I went back in without having him accompany me. How would I know that guy would be there? I got no service on my phone down there and there was no way to contact him, and I needed to take the opportunity to get back in there. I really thought I'd find the key set down somewhere . . . but I did not. What a pain in the ass. Whatever, though; I still got all the Christmas decorations I'll need for setting up on Friday.
Now, Shobhit got a spare from Alan, the building manager, this morning, and we'll maybe go down and take pretty much everything out of the storage space to see if the key is on the floor somewhere. If not, we'll just have to pay $20 for a replacement key. Which honestly is not nearly as cost prohibitive as replacing an actual building key -- I think that's like $75. In any case, the whole thing is annoying.
We spent the rest of the evening doing the New York Times crossword and watching several episodes of The Golden Girls like the standard middle-aged gay men that we are.

[posted 12:20 pm]