Golden Sunday

Back to business as usual this week! Although my Monday post isn't as lengthy as they often are after an eventful weekend during which I did a lot of stuff to write about -- because I posted about Friday and Saturday in yesterday's post. That just leaves yesterday to tell you about.
I had pretty much the entire day with Shobhit. I saw Ivan briefly in the morning but he headed out on the ferry to Port Orchard for a third date with a guy, this time in his hometown -- one of the few things Ivan seems to dislike about him, that he insists on living in a tiny town like that. He asked if I had ever been in Port Orchard and I said I didn't think so. I know Jennifer and Heidi, my cousins, lived there briefly when we were kids, but I certainly never went there then. It's about an 18 minute drive from the Bremerton ferry terminal, according to Google Maps, although there is a passenger ferry that crosses the inlet the town is across from.
Anyway, Shobhit and I both speculated as to whether Ivan would stay the night, but I heard him come in the door arriving back home shortly after I went to bed. In the meantime, Shobhit and I went downtown to see the new Pixar film, Coco, which we both loved. The last fifteen minutes or so are very moving, and I cried -- and so did Shobhit! Shobhit almost never cries at movies. I see this as a positive reflection on the movie.
After that, we walked over to Macy's to return the two shrink-to-fit Levi's 501 jeans I purchased last Wednesday night, since I easily found regular-fit versions on Amazon at the very same Black Friday Weekend deal (40% off). We had hoped there might be a deeper discount for Cyber Monday, but there wasn't. I still made the purchase through Amazon rather than Macy's or even because a) they had the regular fit versions; and b) Amazon had all the colors I wanted and the other places did not. Very strange that itself doesn't sell its "compost" (brown) or its red colored jeans, but Amazon does. So, even though I'm not in dire need of any but the two new blue jeans I bought -- as the ones I have now have ripped holes in the back pockets where my wallet sits -- I made the purchase at these discounts to plan ahead for when the other current jeans do wear out. So, from Amazon I've got two pairs of blue jeans, one pair of "compost," one pair of white and one pair of read jeans all coming to me.
We then walked to Cost Plus World Market where I could get ginger beer for half off -- and so I got two 4 packs of bottles. So: now we're all done with Black Friday / Cyber Monday weekend shopping. I just need to come up with a few gifts for between two and four friends and then I'll even be all set for Christmas. I do need to finish wrapping the rest of the calendars.

We took the bus home, and writing the Coco review kind of felt more challenging than usual, but whatever, I'm sure it's fine. It took me a while to get done, at which time it must have been past 6 pm. I also bought pumpkin spice chai tea from Cost Plus, and I had two cups of that spiked with rum and Bailey's. Tasty stuff.
Oh, right -- before writing the review, Shobhit and I shared the falafel plate we had purchased to go on Saturday night before finding out our dinner plans were changed and we went to meet his cousins. This proved surprisingly filling, and I never did have dinner later, technically. Unless you want to count a hot cocktail and a slice of buttered eggnog quickbread "dinner." And I suppose you can.
After I was done with writing the review, we proceeded to watch several episodes of The Golden Girls on Hulu. We're nearing the end of season 5, and have two seasons to go. One of the episodes was a bit striking in its subject of Rose having to take an HIV test because of a blood transfusion she'd once had, and it tackled prejudices and fears regarding HIV in early 1990 when it first aired -- interestingly, without ever once mentioning gay people. There is a rather memorable line when Blanche says, "AIDS is not a bad person's disease."
Watching this entire series in sequence, it's been fascinating to see how far ahead of its time it was regarding feminism in particular, and gay rights as well. There have been a few episodes with racial issues that have been comparatively dicey, though; at times uncomfortably dated. There's not really any getting around the whitey-whiteness of that show. Some of the episodes with slightly problematic racial content (sometimes using a non-white character as the butt of a joke), I'm not sure I've ever seen before. And I now have a theory that some of those episodes just don't get heavy rotation in syndication, which was how I used to watch random episodes from the Hallmark Channel on TiVo.

[posted 12:13 pm]