Nutshell Thursday

I was going to take myself to see the Hugh Jackman musical The Greatest Showman, which I understand from critical consensus to be a mess but fun, last night -- but in the middle of the day I changed my mind, and I went to the Meridian 16 to see the 5:10 showing of All the Money in the World instead. (Michelle Williams is in both movies, incidentally.)
I was so impressed with it that I replaced one of the movies I already had in my draft of my top 10 movies of the year -- which I will be posting tomorrow morning -- with it. I kind of doubt it will be on a lot of other people's top 10 lists of the year, but then, professional critics also have access to lots of great and/or obscure movies regular movie-going folk like me don't, and they often include movies the regular public won't actually have access to for months. My list, I would argue, is therefore more practical: all the movies are either in theatres now or were earlier this year, many of them (perhaps most notably Get Out) already available on streaming platforms.
In any case, you can read the review to see why I loved it so much. The movie is well over two hours so with the trailers it was a bit past 7:30 by the time it let out. It was 8:00 or so by the time I got home, and I had some of the yummy noodle dish Shobhit had made and I watched an episode of Lady Dynamite. And then I wrote the review.
That was pretty much my evening in a nutshell.

Shobhit's pumpkin pies are history now. I opted not to have a slice of the leftover pie still at home last night, and Shobhit wound up finishing it off after he got home from work a bit after 10:00.
I brought the other pie into work on Tuesday. It sat out on the kitchen counter all day and only one slice got cut out of it. Very few people were here that day, though, being the day after Christmas; not many more have come to work any day the rest of this week. I set it out again yesterday, and one more slice got cut out of it. I did have a note on it both yesterday and the day before that my husband had made it from scratch using fresh pumpkin. These were very good pies! He did also put red food coloring in the crust one and green food coloring in the crust of the other, and I wonder if some people thought the green might mean some kind of mold. I added a note about that on the post-it yesterday, but did not set out the note this morning when I pulled it out of the fridge and put it back on the counter.
Well, mid-morning today, someone decided to make the decision for me: they dumped the whole of the rest of that pie in the compost bin. Damn it! I was going to do that myself, but at the end of the day, after I got one more slice for myself. So much for that.

[posted 12:14 pm]