it's a good day to get free shit

Not much to report on today. I did get my work email inbox down to only one message this morning, which was kind of a magical moment.
I just had a quiet evening at home last night. Shobhit worked until 5:00, which was when I got home, so I had about an hour to myself. I spent a fair amount of that time trying to get Shanti to sit still for the single second it took to get this shot I posted on social media this morning. It was a bit of a challenge. It was also the single reason I took one of the new PCC logo hats, which they finally set out for us to take yesterday. They had two different designs of the visor cap and a stocking cap; they would only let us take one. I might actually wear the stocking cap, but I needed the visor cap so it was similar enough to that old photo I have of Batty -- the hat he's wearing has the logo design that was even before the 2003 rebranding.
Anyway. Shobhit came home, we made dinner, we watched a bunch of TV: two episodes of The Mindy Project and three episodes of The Golden Girls. And we did the New York Times crossword puzzle.
The rest of the week will be comparatively eventful. I'm seeing a movie in the U District with Sara W right after work tonight, and tomorrow night is the Janet Jackson concert with Danielle.
That concert is a weirdly long time coming -- it was postponed twice, because Janet Jackson went and got herself pregnant. I bought the tickets originally as a Christmas gift for Danielle in 2015 -- two years ago! -- as a semi-consolation prize for her being unable to come to the Madonna concert in Vancouver in October of that year. The originally scheduled date of the Janet Jackson concert at Key Arena was January 13, 2016 -- also a Wednesday. But then, on December 26, when I think her "health issues" were still being kept largely secret, I got the email that it was postponed with a new date to be announced. On January 20 of last year I got an email that the new date was to be July 5, 2016 -- a Tuesday, and the day after Independence Day.
But, much of 2016 had a great deal of uncertainty, and in April 2016 Janet Jackson announced she would be postponing the entire tour. In the subsequent months, I very nearly got refunds for the tickets, as it was a long time before I even got confirmation of yet another new date. Ticketmaster finally sent the email on May 2 of this year -- more than a full year after the announcement that the tour would be postponed -- that the new date for the Seattle show at Key Arena would be Wednesday, September 27. We are now less than one month shy of two years since the Madonna concert Danielle could not go to because her dad died; 21 months since I presented Danielle with the Janet Jackson tickets for Christmas; 20 months since the Janet Jackson concert was initially scheduled; and 14 months since the first rescheduled date was also postponed.
I've never had so much of a challenge just to get to a concert with Danielle -- any concert! I mean, Jesus. We've had everything from death to birth getting in our way here. (I guess her son was born in January, making him now nine months old.) The Janet Jackson concert is only a day away now, though, and so far -- it looks like it's finally going to happen!
It's too bad it had to be postponed for so long, though. Janet's 2015 album Unbreakable was easily her best in over two decades, but now it's largely forgotten. It looks like only a couple of tracks from it are even on the set list. That'll work fine for Danielle though, who is really only familiar with her early stuff anyway.

Nothing major planned for Thursday or Friday, unless you want to count lunch with Karen on Thursday. But Saturday's a big day: Laney turns 60, and I offered her the use of our community kitchen for the party. Shobhit is making homemade samosas to bring, which alone will keep me busy pretty much all day leading to that, helping Shobhit fry them. Shobhit even made sure he had the day off work that day for this very purpose. We might go dancing the night before since, for once, he doesn't have to be up early for work on Saturday. We'll see how that pans out -- Shobhit and I both get rather tired really early anymore. We both fell asleep in bed last Saturday night at 9:30. How's that for exciting!
Shobhit works all day on Sunday and I'll see Laney again that afternoon, though. We're seeing the original Blade Runner at the Cinerama, which we're both pretty excited about. The sequel opens the following Thursday, and I'll probably see it at another theatre that weekend myself first, but we also have tickets to Blade Runner 2049 at Cinerama on Friday the 13th.
I just had a rather early lunch. The broker reps for Field Roast came in for a meeting, and they have these new veggie meat appetizer products: mini corn dogs (easily my favorite); "Fruffalo Wings"; and "Sunflower Country Style Katsu Cutlet." Samples were brought in, and Scott and Noah cooked them up for sampling in the oven in the office kitchen.
I brought a pot pie for lunch today but when I went to go preheat the oven an hour before I expected it to be ready to eat (those bake for fifty minutes), the oven was in use for this. So, I had samples of this for lunch instead. Pot pie tomorrow then!
Also, because this is one of the brokers who constantly ply me with samples, I was directly given a sample frozen bag of all three of those Field Roast appetizer items as well. I'm going straight to the U District for a movie after work today so I'll have to wait until tomorrow to bring them home. Shobhit won't be excited about them anyway. He's not big on veggie meats and never has been -- although he has taken to chopping Field Roast sausages and adding them to certain dishes. I'll bring them home tomorrow, maybe have some for dinner on Thursday when Shobhit works all evening.
The bag of samples also included to Tony's Chocolonely chocolate bars -- by far the highest quality and tastiest chocolate brand we carry -- and, direct from the woman who works at the Field Roast factory itself, a coupon for a free stuffed roast of any kind! That right there was the greatest part of the gift bag; its value is for as high as $24.99. The most expensive one we carry costs $19.99, the "Forager's Roast." I really like these products, rarely buy them, and should grab one for the next family holiday I go to. That could be as soon as Halloween, although Halloween is still up in the air as far as what I'll be doing and where I'll be.
Anyway. I love my job.