food and food and other stuff and food

What can I tell you about last night, then? Not much. I can tell you it's now been over a week since I've gone to a movie -- I'm going to see a Western tonight just because it's the best and only option of movies I still haven't seen. This often happens in late January, this dead zone of slim pickings in the wake of Oscar-bait releases. That's not to say I don't have plenty of other stuff going on over the weekend: tomorrow is the second Women's March, and Sunday night is the SAG Awards, which I hope will be playing either at Diesel or Queer Bar so Shobhit and I can go watch them -- we don't get TNT in our cable lineup. Speaking of which, Shobhit just cast his votes this morning; I guess deadline was noon today. That really seems to be cutting it close, but whatever. I guess they know what they're doing. In any case, after Sunday we'll pretty much be clear on who the Oscar winners will be in all the acting categories.
So last night, Shobhit worked from 1 to 6, so it was a relatively rare instance of my getting home from work while Shobhit was still working. He got home at 6:30, after I spent some time reading a rather interesting library book by a mortician (the only mortician, actually) I'm a big fan of. I just had to pick up my next book at the library on my walk home yesterday, so I really need to get onto finishing this one, which shouldn't be too big a challenge since it's pretty short. I haven't finished a book since November 8. That might seem pathetic, but I had to give up on the Al Franken book after the crap about him came out in the news, and then the next book I tried, about scientific responses to climate change that read like a college textbook (double columns on each page), I just couldn't get into. I tried! And then it was overdue and now I owe the Seattle Public Library seven dollars.
I had leftover macaroni casserole for dinner and then ended up helping Shobhit prepare his dinner anyway. I chopped a bunch of vegetables. I finally started using one of the kitchen knives I got for Christmas from Mom like two or three Christmases ago, and it's way faster and easier to use than the old one I always used, and which Shobhit still uses, because the bigger, sharper knife scares him. And he's the cook in the family?
Then we watched two episodes of Fargo, thereby finishing up the first season, which originally aired 2014-15. Only seasons 1 and 2 are on Hulu but I'm sure we'll be getting right into season 2. That show is fantastic. I always expected I'd think it was, I just had other shows I wanted to watch first. This one just finally turned up on the priority list.

I'm posting much later than usual today because we just had our "Town Hall" all-office meeting that we convene every six weeks to two months. Some pretty interesting information was given out today, actually more interesting than usual. Nothing on the level of the 2015 announcement that our office location would be moving the next year -- I'm not sure we'll get news that huge ever again -- but still pretty notable, particularly in terms of the direction of the company, both at the stores and internally at the office. They stressed it was confidential though so I won't divulge any details. They couldn't possibly be anywhere near as interesting to anyone reading this as it was to people who actually work here anyway.
I will say this: the meeting was scheduled for an hour starting at 11:00 a.m., with lunch scheduled at noon. I really don't know why they do that -- they should just tell us lunch would be at 1:00 and then we can all be delighted that the meeting ended early at 12:45. Because I knew instantly, when I saw that, there was no way the meeting itself would be limited to just one hour.
I will say, however, that the lunch they provided was quite filling and tasty, so there's that. Now I'm going to see if I can find any work to do for the rest of the afternoon.

[posted 1:07 pm]