royal swelling

I actually had time to watch more episodes of Fargo with Shobhit last night -- but we couldn't, because Hulu was down. Turns out, there had been problems since clear into the previous day; we just didn't notice because on Tuesday evening we watched Chitty Chitty Bang Bang when Ivan was home taking his last "personal day" from work. It appears to have been resolved -- I just checked my phone and was finally able to login on the app -- so we'll probably pick up where we left off with Fargo tonight.
Shobhit worked 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. yesterday, and then seemed to spend the rest of the day watching movies. He was about a quarter into The Incredible Hulk (2008) when I got home from work. I had no interest in that, and he was even willing to stop it temporarily to watch more of Fargo, but then the Apple TV wouldn't log in to the Hulu app. So, he just finished the movie, partly while I ate the veggie hot dog I made myself for dinner, since he had just eaten something else not too long before. He had dirty dishes on both the coffee table and the kitchen counter.
I spent the rest of his time watching The Incredible Hulk -- which, based on the few minutes I did actually watch, appeared to be just as dumb as it always looked to me (and that's only the second incarnation of that character we've seen in motion pictures since 2003) -- in the bedroom. I discovered Netflix has started to carry nearly all Jerry Seinfeld's episodes of Comedians In Cars Getting Coffee, and I watched the Jim Carey and the Tina Fey episodes. I think I may have already seen both of them before, when I was watching a lot of them on the website where they originated, but it had been a while. Predictably, the Louis CK episode is not included, but somewhat ironically, he and Tina Fey discuss him near the end of her episode, and it even includes clips of the Louis CK episode they're referencing at the end.
Shobhit finished the movie and then I came out to try and find something else to watch on HBO Go. Shobhit scrolled through the "Action" feed and we found nothing compelling; he scrolled through the "Comedy" feed and I suggested we watch The Royal Tenenbaums. I feel like I liked that movie okay when it first came out in 2001, but watching it again, that's a pretty great movie -- I would venture to say it's Wes Anderson's best. His movies are known for notable precision in cinematography and especially production design, often to the detriment of the story, but this one has a pretty fully realized story and fleshed out characters, to a much greater degree than some of his more recent films (especially The Grand Budapest Hotel, which is undeniably fun, but has pretty one-note characters). Shobhit seemed to enjoy it just as much as I did.
By the time that was over, I was already getting tired, even though it wasn't yet even 10:00. I was in bed and drifting off to sleep by 9:51, according to my Sleep Cycle app.

I just got back from lunch with Karen down at the Six-Seven Restaurant at the Edgewater Hotel. Walked down there under my umbrella in the light rain, listening to the WTF with Marc Maron podcast interview with Don Was. I'm finding this episode only moderately interesting, to be honest with you.
At my suggestion, we split the vegetable gyro dish, which Karen didn't remember ever having before, even though we have, two or three times. She was like, "This is good! Why haven't we ever had this before?" We have. It had been a while, though. And it was much cheaper than the truffle macaroni & cheese, which is stupendous but that's what we get nearly every time -- or at least, I would say, three times out of four. I was ready for a change for this time out.
Nothing of any particular note was discussed, although conversation was lovely and engaging as always.
I'm still waiting for the stupid swelling on my eyelids, particularly my left one, to go down completely from the stye(s). I read online that when you get a stye you should throw out any makeup you've used while having a stye, so that means I have to chuck a couple of my eyeliner bottles. Both yesterday and today I wore mascara only, no eyeliner at all -- I may keep that steady through the weekend. This change alone seems to have caused the most immediate improvement. My left eyelid was super swollen last week and then the swelling started to go down, and earlier this week it swelled up again, which prompted my temporarily stopping the eyeliner. No makeup at all is still something I consider not an option. But I will replace both my blue and brown mascaras the next time I go grocery shopping, this weekend. Both bottles I have currently were running low anyway.
I kind of like the look with only mascara, actually. I just like it with eyeliner far better, and I look forward to being able to use it again. It's just really annoying how long it's taking for the swelling to go away completely. At the current rate, though, based on yesterday and today, I think hopefully I'll be back to normal by the beginning of next week.

[posted 1:25 pm]