the hubris war

What can I tell you today? Not a hell of a lot, really. Shobhit and I decided to make our own dinners last night. Exciting stuff! I had a veggie chicken patty sandwich with veggie ham and swiss cheese on it. It was delicious and I regret nothing! Okay, why I would regret that at all, I have no idea. Forget I said that.
The vast majority of the evening was taken up by the documentary series The Vietnam War, which Shobhit and I have been watching on Netflix. We watched episodes four (114 minutes) and five (85 minutes), together amounting to three hours and 19 minutes of . . . well, a whole lot of heavy shit. Too much of this can get a little soul crushing, to be honest, and I really intended only to watch the one episode. But, it automatically started the next one when the first ended, as streaming on Netflix does, and Shobhit did not stop it while I was making chai. He suggested we just watch half of it, but I sat to watch as we had chai with little cookie-crackers from the Indian store and then I was into it; when I saw the episode was only 85 minutes I decided, fuck it, we'll just finish it.

I actually did stop at the Capitol Hill Library on my bike ride home, to pick up a 2009 book called Vancouver Special that I decided I was interested in after hearing the author, a Canadian comedian, as a recent guest on Marc Maron's WTF podcast. It's basically a semi-comic history of the city of Vancouver, B.C., which it may be safe to say is the city I love more than any other besides Seattle, so I thought it would be interesting. And although it was written with the then-upcoming 2010 Winter Olympic Games in mind, the book being 9 years old only makes it slightly dated at worst. I mean, when we're talking about over 100 years of history, and how it informs the current culture of the city, I don't think it being written nine years ago is going to make some huge difference. Also: among the books I have on hold that I am most eager to read next, it was the one that was available. So, it's what I'm now reading.
I read maybe three or four pages before falling asleep last night, getting a bit distracted by Facebook messages from Ivan: I now know his Halloween visit will be October 31 though Saturday November 3; and in all likelihood, the evening of the 2nd we'll be going back to the cat café (at his request) and the evening of the 3rd we'll be seeing the new Suspiria together (at my suggestion, knowing he'd be all over it -- the original is his favorite horror movie). I usually actively avoid horror movies, but Tilda Swinton can make any genre enticing, and this looks just plain weird, which makes it way different from standard (and usually stupid) horror fare.

[posted 12:21 pm]