pleasant days

I've got even less to report today than I did yesterday. I didn't even do anything all that notable last night, unless chopping vegetables while Shobhit went to a local performers' meet-and-greet counts. This was for the potato filling Shobhit will use for samosas we're bringing to Thanksgiving dinner at my sister Gina's in Olympia tomorrow. While I listened to a Madonna playlist I created of all 12 of her U.S. #1 singles (plus "Hung Up," because even though that one bizarrely only peaked at #7 in the U.S., it went #1 in a record number of other countries around the world), I chopped red onions, green onions, celery, ginger, garlic, and even a couple jalapeño peppers, which Shobhit didn't even ask me to do. That right there was my selfless act for Thanksgiving, ladies and gentlemen! It might make the samosas hotter than I want them to be but who knows?
Anyway, before Shobhit left for that event, we had bagel sandwiches that were very tasty. Shobhit had a bean burger patty and a veggie chicken patty on his; I had just one veggie chicken patty. And then the tartar sauce and other toppings. It was super yummy. We watched Married... with Children while eating. The old episode that played this time was particularly dumb, to be honest.
Oh, I guess I could mention that Alicia and I went on our loop walk through Myrtle Edwards Park yesterday afternoon. We had lively discussion the whole time, some of it about the stunning lack of November precipitation this year. It's supposed to start raining as of today though. And I forgot my umbrella, damn it.

Anyway Shobhit's event was at 7:00, and I figured he'd be there an hour -- he was there closer to two hours, even though he said only a couple of other people showed up. But, I guess they all hung out and chatted for that long. So that was nice for him, I assume. By the time he got back, I was already getting ready for bed. I was really tired for some reason.
So now we're on the cusp of this year's Thanksgiving. Dinner at Gina and Beth's last year was not huge in terms of guests but it will be even smaller this year: apparently just one of their other friends is coming in addition to Shobhit and me. I should probably have told Shobhit that before now, come to think of it. There can never be too many samosas, anyway. And also this year, as opposed to last year, Shobhit works the morning of Black Friday rather than the evening, so he'll actually meet me to see the lighting of the tree ceremony at Westlake Park after I get off work on Friday.
So far it feels like Thanksgiving this year is shaping up to be rather pleasant and not particularly stressful. So that's nice. Even today is shaping to be better than expected; I caught up with what I was behind on far more quickly than I expected so today at work is fairly stress free as well.

[posted 12:47 pm}