Smilf Here and Now

You guys! I totally spaced starting a draft of this entry before my lunch break actually began. So this is going to be very short. Not that it matters; there's hardly anything for me to update you on today.
Shobhit had the makings for soft tacos ready for dinner when I got home from work yesterday. No regular cheese, so we fried thin slices of paneer. Not the most ideal cheese for tacos, but it worked in a pinch. We nearly lost a plate when we dropped one on the floor, trying to flip the fried taco inside its flatbread using the pan onto the plate, but amazingly the plate hit the floor without shattering. I still just ate my dinner on it.
We did the crossword puzzle. We watched some TV -- I signed up for a one-month free trial of Showtime just so I could watch SMILF ("Single Mom I'd Like to Fuck"), because multiple people I follow on Twitter were raving about Rosie O'donnel in a supporting part as the grandmother on that show. She really is great, and the show gets more hilarious with each episode. I do think the lead is somewhat unrealistically beautiful to be playing such a down-on-her-luck single mom struggling in poverty -- at the very least her makeup would not be so flawless all the time -- but whatever. It was totally worth signing up for the free trial. No way will I continue paying for a subscription after the trial ends, however; I've already got more than enough subscriptions to streaming platforms on Netflix, Hulu, HBO Go and Amazon Prime. I think four is plenty.
Then Shobhit suggested we check out this new HBO show called Here and Now, which he'd seen a preview for when watching something else. It stars Holly Hunter and Tim Robins as liberal Portland parents with four grown children, only one of them biological and all three of the others adopted from different countries around the world (Vietnam, Liberia and Colombia, the Colombian kid being gay). To call the concept contrived would be an understatement, but Holly Hunter makes anything worth watching, we enjoyed it, and will look forward to the next nine episodes as they come out every Sunday evening for the next couple of months.

What else? Not much else, really. I brought the valentine chocolate I got on Wednesday home, so we had a little bit of that for dessert after dinner. Shobhit also made chai.
Oh, and I did laundry. So exciting! I finally kept on it with timing so I could barely have it all done and dry and put away by the time I was finally getting to bed around 10:30.
We also watched some more of the Olympics. Shobhit is pretty interested in a lot of it; I'm mostly interested in just the figure skating. Seeing Johnny Weir as one of the commentators is fascinating, what with his hair and his outfits. He looks like Peewee Herman as reimagined by Liberace. And I love that he's got a seat at that table as an equal to the other commentators.
I've got a fair amount of plans set for the weekend. Opening night for Black Panther with Laney tonight; brunch and a movie with Evan tomorrow. No plans set yet for Sunday but I'm hoping to find a friend to hang out with that afternoon -- Gabriel or Danielle -- because Shobhit's working noon to five, and I don't think I'm quite ready to spend a day by myself just yet. Usually I'm fine with it, but I'm a little more prone to loneliness at the moment. But, we’ll see.

[posted 12:22 pm]