Tue, 8:58: Average Beasts and Where to Be Indifferent to Them
Tue, 9:49: Yet *another* one of these hand-wringing articles, now so overdone that to me they sound like Charlie Brown's teacher: "Wa-wa, wa-wa, wa-wa." Capitol Hill still has no fewer than FIFTEEN gay bars and businesses, most of them packed on a Saturday night. What do we need, five hundred? https://t.co/h8mFIsAEdj
Tue, 13:24: @fakedansavage "There but for the grace of god blow I" is the best phrase I've heard in ages.
Tue, 21:29: RT @MattOswaltVA: I had a bad feeling when Trump was talking about Space Force that somewhere in the world Stephen Hawking would finally find the strength to get out of his chair and hang himself
Tue, 21:31: I finally stopped ending texts with periods, but I will not extend that to Twitter. THAT'S WHERE I DRAW THE LINE