what's this shit about snow

Text from Shobhit, 8:54 am:
Or hail
Shobhit, 8:56 am: Snow tomorrow morning
Tweet from @jseattle, 10:08 am:
— jseattle (@jseattle) March 23, 2018
Shobhit, 10:11 am: Snowing hard here now
Tweet from Susan, 11:25 am: Ok now I'm at a higher elevation and this really is snow. Wild.
(I could have embedded that last tweet too, but it includes a photo and I didn't want to have four rather than three photos in today's DLU. DLUs get three embedded photos and that's it! You can click the link.)
So there was snow reported from Capitol Hill (where Shobhit was; he was not at work yet) to Pioneer Square (where Susan lives). More than once I turned to look out the windows, and saw nothing but rain and wet, here at the waterfront by Myrtle Edwards Park. Such is typical right on the waterfront -- although Pioneer Square is right on the water too, but whatever. Snow can be harder to see through the windows I see when looking forward beyond my desk, since that includes sky in the background. I often turn to look behind me out the windows that overlook Elliott Avenue because the building across the street is darker in color and provides a better contrast for viewing snow. And I never saw any.
Shobhit texted me a couple photos from home, but he took them through a window screen and that made any snow pretty hard to see.
I mean, whatever. This is the third day of spring, and I like the weather to be normal to the season. Snow in the spring, at least in Seattle, is nor normal. I don't want snow in late March. I don't especially want heat waves either, mind you -- and after several years of typically getting them in February, at least that hasn't happened so far this year. I just want the weather to be normal!

There's a giant box of large bags of Unreal chocolate candies in the pantry and I cannot stop scrounging from them. The dark chocolate peanut butter cups and dark chocolate almond butter cups and crispy dark chocolate peanut butter cups are all just so fucking tasty! And, they're free. And, they're there. This is a problem. They also have bags of their all-natural versions of m&m's, both plain and peanut. I much prefer the latter but have managed to restrain myself from opening one of those bags. One of the bags of plain is open so I keep getting small handfuls when I walk past.
I need to go on a fucking sugar fast.
Not much to tell about last night. Walked home, picked up dry cleaning, waited just a few minutes for Shobhit to get home from work. I totally forgot he was working until 5:00 yesterday so was rather surprised to find the condo empty when I got home. It was nearly 6:00 when he finally arrived, about half an hour after I did. I walked with him to the AT&T Store so he could get his phone's SIM card replaced. He kept trying to come up with places to split a dessert at so he could get a Social Review point. I had to tell him I really shouldn't because I had eaten candy all day. I was up half a pound to 149.5 lbs this morning; at least I'm still technically below 150.
We had leftover chili soup and quesadillas for dinner. Watched this week's Modern Family -- which, I have to say, has aged way better after nine seasons than The Big Bang Theory has -- and a few episodes of Roseanne. I thought I might read for a while but I found myself so tired that I started getting ready for bed by 9:00. I did watch Aparna Nancherla's half-hour standup special on Netflix as I did this, and was nearly done with it by the time I finished with preparing for bed and doing my exercises -- which, by the way, I can always feel differently, they are always harder, on days when I have eaten too much junk. And then I was asleep by 10:00. I got out of bed right after 5 a.m. and thus still got a solid seven hours of sleep through the night.
Doubling up the pillows in our pillowcases really seems to have made a difference. The pain in my upper back and crick in my neck are almost completely gone now. I still feel like it tilts my head a little too far away from the bed now, but the pillows will of course flatten a bit again over time.

[posted 12:19 pm]