get in to my face

I spent most of my time last night watching two different documentaries -- just over three hours' worth, in fact. The first hour, after spending a fair amount of time helping Shobhit prepare a dinner of Asian noodles and vegetables (which yielded one container of leftovers for lunches for each of us), was the second of six episodes of Netflix's Wild Wild Country, which detailed the town of Antelope, Oregon clashing with the suddenly-established nearby religious commune city of Rajneeshpuram in the early eighties. The truly "wild" thing is that the "sannyasins" from India and their followers, at least at this point in the story, actually have Constitutional arguments on their side, and the overwhelmed townsfolk of Antelope come across as bigoted and paranoid -- one woman even referring to them now as "evil" to be battled. Such is the way of conservative Christians, especially in the eighties.
After the episode ended -- and I really only feel like watching one episode of this six-episode miniseries on a given day, allowing it to soak in -- Shobhit said, "I'm on the side of the community." Unsure which "community" he meant, I asked for clarification, and indicated he meant the sannyasins. I said the whole thing was fascinating, but I wasn't particularly on either side. Shobhit asked why; my response was, "They're all religious nuts. Just in different ways."
This episode ends with the bombing of a hotel the sannyasins owned in Portland, clearly indicating the story is about to get way more intense. It was after this that the sannyasins armed themselves -- rather understandably, I feel compelled to note. But, it also indicates the whole situation had nowhere to go but someplace bad. I do look forward to watching the rest of the series.

We watched one episode of Roseanne after that, and then I took to the bedroom to watch the other documentary, which I knew Shobhit had no interest in: Judd Apatow's 2-part documentary The Zen Diaries of Garry Shandling. Only the first part, itself feature length, was available on HBO Go last night. I started it at around 8:30 and it ended at about 10:15. By then I was nodding off and twice accidentally dropped my iPod. That's no reflection of its quality -- I found it quite engaging actually -- only that, oftentimes, by the time 10 p.m. has rolled around, nothing short of gunfire in the bedroom can keep my eyes open.
So there you have it, really. As usual, my evening consisted either of cooking, eating, drinking (I had a rum and Cherry Cola Zevia Soda), or watching TV. Literally nothing else. Okay, unless you want to count things like peeing and sleeping.

[posted 12:16 pm]