the sick butterfly effect

What can I tell you about today? Not much, really. My evening last night was pretty much all sucked up by taking myself to see the movie Lean on Pete, a tearjerker about a teenage boy and a horse he steals, at 6:30. Conveniently it's playing at the Egyptian Theatre so I had all of six blocks to walk to, and that made it easy to walk home and still have plenty of time to make myself a quick dinner. Shobhit worked the evening last night, and even though there are tons of leftovers, I decided to make myself a veggie hot dog -- it was both light and different from the large quantities of Indian food I'll be consuming all week.
The movie was a tad longer than I expected, at 121 minutes, so even with the quick walk home it was nearly 9:00 before I could get started on the review. That took about forty-five minutes to finish up, and then I went to make chai so it would be hot and ready to drink when Shobhit got home from work and made himself his own leftovers for dinner.
I normally would go to bed at about that time, but I had my own chai to drink, and so we watched Sunday night's episode of Last Week Tonight with John Oliver.

I fear I may be coming down with something, and I am trying my damnedest to head it off at the pass. I took three instead of the usual one "Wellness" supplement pill this morning; am drinking Emergen-C; and consuming a shit ton of water, either through the Emergen-C or tea.
Residual effects of this are annoying: drinking tons of fluids is a good thing, obviously, but also results in my having to pee constantly, which translates to washing my hands over and over all day, which is drying the skin on my hands! A tickle in my throat eventually causes dry skin. I'm going to have to use more hand lotion here in a minute.
I have no idea if it was the sample bit of sugarless pie I tried yesterday at work that did it. All I can say is I can recall the precise moment I started to feel a sudden tickle in my throat, and it was when I was eating that pie.
Today at work there is a "First Annual Vendor Summit" being held. I ate my leftover lunch (actually quite tasty, maybe even more so than it was fresh on Sunday) in the kitchen dining area and could overhear the Marketing presentation for all the dozens of vendor representatives crammed into chairs in rows in the largest meeting room our office has -- the one where we have our semi-monthly "Town Hall" office meetings. The presentation I overheard was stuff already presented to the rest of us office workers at a Town Hall months ago.
Anyway I swiped one of the cans of sparkling water set out for them to have with my lunch. Don't tell anyone.

[posted 12:27 pm]