Last Minute Happy Hour

Just a quick update this morning, so I can note that I went to April Happy Hour with Laney last night after work. This could easily get lost without my recording it here, as I will soon be off to Tacoma, and then to Shelton to stay the night with Jennifer and then the annual Birth Week Bike Ride with Dad tomorrow, and by the time I get back I'm going to have a shit ton of initial Birth Week photos to process.
The original plan last night was to go to Laney's to watch Mad Men -- which we haven't managed since January; Laney has had to cancel for various reasons in February and March, the latter being when she got really sick for three weeks. I was rather looking forward to finally getting back to it last night, but our April 14 Happy Hour had to be rescheduled to lunch the next day, and the place we went had no drinks. I think maybe because Laney spent so much time unable to get out much due to her being sick, she texted me earlier yesterday if we could do Happy Hour instead, since we had been unable to do it a couple of weeks ago. And I said okay fine.
We went to the brand-new Añejo Restaurant and Tequila Bar, just opened last Monday, in the old Dilettante Chocolates space. It's all of about three blocks from where Laney lives.
Shobhit worked an evening shift last night so he did not join, which worked fine for me -- he always wants to get moving too quickly and I like to hang out and chill with Laney when I can; sometimes we sit and visit for as much as three hours. Last night it was more like two, but that was still longer than Shobhit would have wanted.
The Happy Hour Margaritas were totally worth $7 each and Laney and I both had two. Laney offered to buy my dinner, but not my drinks, although they didn't have much of a Happy Hour food menu so the dishes were much more expensive than the drinks. She bought my dinner anyway. This way I didn't have to eat at home to save money as planned, which was just as well since I needed about half an hour to get home from work and shower and then get to North Broadway by 5:35 anyway. (I showered because I went to Steamworks after hanging out with Laney.)
I did get relatively inventive with making good time getting to Añejo from home, though. I was able to catch a #11 on Pine down to Broadway, where I caught a Spin Cycle bike and rode the rest of the way up to Broadway. So, it took me a bit less than 15 minutes to get up there.
Anyway, it was a nice, relaxing, fun evening. I didn't even cough too much! And now I need to shower this morning, to get going on this year's Birth Week -- my fifteenth!
[posted 8:55 am]