Fri, 8:21: And yet millions of tax dollars continue to fund religious organizations. The hypocrisy in this country is crazy making. (Also: all the women pressured to have children they can't afford will get no assistance from the very same sanctimonious government.) This shit is precisely why Planned Parenthood deserves our donations.
Fri, 9:51: Clever statement, but we should really remember that when it comes to gun control, conservatives and Republicans are hardly the only ones to blame for inaction.… RT @bessbell It’s getting harder and harder for kids to live long enough to see how America’s become great again.
Fri, 10:08: Band name ideas, natural foods industry edition!
Undeclared Milk Nut Butter The Gluten Resistance The Paleo Dietologists Protein Powder Keg GMO Speedwagon Pickleback KISS (Knights In Seitan’s Service)