
Not a huge amount to tell you today, although I did socialize last night: Gabriel joined me for the SIFF screening of my fourth documentary (as well as the fourth movie) of the festival this year, The Most Dangerous Year.
After getting a 10-pack of SIFF festival tickets for the price of 6 due to a Black Friday deal they offered last November (how people miss out on such great deals just because it's so far ahead of time is beyond me), I redeemed the tickets to only eight movies -- because I did two tickets to two of the movies. The second one is about cat shows in Canada, which Shobhit will see with me this Saturday. But the first was The Most Dangerous Year, which I figured Gabriel might want to join me for, since it's about the fight against anti-transgender "bathroom bills" in Washington State in 2016.
I didn't even realize there was any chance he could be in the movie, although it was hardly surprising, as much as he got involved in the organizing efforts against Initiative 1515. He told me Tess had even been interviewed for it at some point, but in the end no interviews with anyone in his family were used. There were, however, two or three shots where you could spot him in the background of more crowded shots, like he was a movie extra. In the first one where he was visible, it's at some kind of town hall type event, and the camera focuses on other people, but you see him walking toward the camera in the background -- but never with anything above his mouth visible; most of his head is cut off out of the frame. He's sort of fiddling with his chin with his finger, so we both laughed when we spotted him.
There's another shot where you can see him and Stephanie sitting together, and most of Stephanie's face is actually visible for a second or two. In another shot, Republican State Senator Joe Fain -- "my favorite Republican," Gabriel said multiple times -- is seen in pseudo-silhouette behind a glass partition, and several people are approaching to talk to him. One was fairly readily identifiable as Stephanie, and another was Gabriel -- approaching Fain to give him a hug, apparently (the hug wasn't shown).
Gabriel, kind of true to form, did not bother to confirm that he was coming until roughly an hour before showtime, when he called just as I was walking from home to the Egyptian Theatre, letting me know he was headed my way. I knew this likely meant they would let us inside before he arrived, so I texted him a screenshot of his mobile ticket, which made it quite easy for him to get in once he arrived. I was waiting in the front row of the center-balcony, which he was very happy with. He then talked about how this brought back memories of him and me seeing movies at the Egyptian.
I see movies there so regularly and always have, it had actually been quite some time since I thought about how many times I've seen movies there with him. We saw Amelie there together in 2001. The very night he first met Stephanie, in 2003, I happened to be standing in line in front of her in the standby ticket line for a SIFF movie -- which, and this I also completely forgot, was about dating in Seattle. I hadn't even thought for quite some time about how we had a tradition of the three of us seeing at least one SIFF movie together every year from then on, 2003 through . . . I don't know, 2011, maybe? I don't think the three of us ever went together again after Gabriel and Kornelija were together. I honestly can't remember when the last time he and I saw a movie at the Egyptian was -- but it would make more sense for it to bring back memories for him, since he's been living in Tacoma for several years and doesn't get up to Seattle for movies much. (And any time he does he complains incessantly about Seattle.)
Gabriel knew countless people there, was even on an email list encouraging people to go -- mostly families with trans children, presumably -- but he wasn't feeling up for socializing. At least not with anyone but me! He did want to get a drink, which I predicted was fairly likely (even said so in a text to Shobhit when I let him know I finally knew Gabriel was coming), and we wound up going over to the famous whiskey bar on 12th Avenue called Canon. I had a Moscow Mule and it was just okay -- frankly, not worth $16 in my opinion but whatever. Maybe I should have tried something new, as Gabriel clearly felt. He also ordered a cheese and bread plate, which he shared a little with me, and that was actually quite delicious. Whenever I go there again I want to order that.
We got there at about a quarter after 9 p.m., and were there about ninety minutes. We had plenty to talk about, and it was fun hanging out. When we left around 10:45, he drove me the several blocks back home, and I was in bed a while later than usual, at nearly 11:30. I was kind of surprised that Shobhit had not continued to pester me with texts asking why I wasn't yet on my way home, but when I got home he had fallen asleep on the couch. That's the second time he's done that waiting for me to get home, even though I honestly think it would have been far more sensible for him just to go to bed if he was tired. It's sweet, I suppose -- I never do that when waiting for him to get home -- but still doesn't make a great deal of sense.
Just before I got out of the car, I gave Gabriel a hug, and suddenly noticed he smelled good, so I told him so. He was kind of shocked to get such a compliment from me, which is rare. "I don't think you've ever said that to me before," he said. I'm certain he was right. "I like to give compliments sparingly, so they have greater impact," I said, cracking myself up. "Like, once every thirty years."
That's a wild exaggeration, obviously -- but there is some truth to it.

So, this is Sara W's last week at work. I suppose it just goes with the territory when you've worked somewhere sixteen years that, over time, a lot of your favorite people at work will move on. She's moving to Denver to be closer to family next month. I will absolutely go visit her sooner than later, though, especially since she said Shobhit and I can stay with her. I've never been to Denver and am excited to be able to explore it.
I'll be leaving work at 3:00 to go over to Myrtle Edwards Park, just across the railroad tracks from this building I work in, for a little going away get-together with several coworkers (but not the entire office), for both her and Nick, our Nutrition Educator who is also apparently leaving.
Speaking of great people who have left PCC, I also saw Elin briefly yesterday. At first I saw her through the windows on either end of the conference room between my desk and Jeff's; Elin was over there talking to him. Her back was turned, but I could tell just by her posture that it was her. She came over to say hi and chat with me for a bit. It's sort of odd every time I see her now, because even though it sounds like she's enjoying retirement (though she does still serve on the Board of Trustees), it's always been long enough since the last time I saw her that she has visibly aged. I'm kind of struck by that each time I see her. It's nothing major, mind you -- she doesn't look ancient or anything -- it's just an odd effect of not seeing someone very often anymore, after years of seeing them every weekday.
She then went to go say hi, and goodbye, to Sara, since she knew it would be the last time she'd get to see her.
I just had the last of the leftover lasagna from what I made on Monday. Goodbye, lasagna!
I ate it out on the patio. The weather has cooled a bit this week, but the sun was out and it was barely warm enough to sit out there without a jacket. Still most other people ate their lunches inside. Whatever, people! It was quite pleasant.
I guess I should try and get some work done over the next two and a half hours.

[posted 12:28 pm]