this weight is not on my shoulders

I've been steadily gaining weight all week, and it's annoying the shit out of me! I'm hardly even snacking between meals, I swear eating about as much as I have in the past while steadily losing weight. And after all the walking and hiking we did in Yellowstone last week, I was thrilled to be nearly 1.5 lbs below 150 the first time I weighed myself after getting back. But look at this progression since then:
Sunday: 148.6 lbs
Monday: 149.3
Tuesday: 149.3
Wednesday: 149.8
Thursday: 150.2
Gahhh! What is this bullshit? My typical day this week has included, okay, two bites of chocolate -- not huge bites! -- when I arrived at work in the morning; another two bites after lunch; maybe between three and five crackers. That's really been it, between what I thought were rather light meals. I did have a cocktail the other evening. I do put some sugar and cream in my tea every day too, but not a lot. I suppose it might help to cut out all that stuff completely, but what's most annoying is that I know I've lost weight before while eating even more than this. And it's not the scale -- I often weigh the big tub of laundry detergent to keep the scale calibrated, and every day that thing's weight remains the same (until I do another couple loads of laundry).
As always, it's not exactly a huge deal that I weigh roughly 150 lbs. I look good; I have a slight paunch but I have most of my life. But as recently as 2016 I was as far down as 138 lbs, and I loved that. This week is going in the wrong fucking direction! But I guess if I'm really serious about reversing it, I have to do more about my food consumption. Either that or stop fucking obsessing over it so much. The latter is probably the better idea, so long as I don't, you know, gain another 20 lbs. I've been hovering right around 150 lbs for the better part of two years anyway. Maybe it's just middle age. If that's the case though, then fuck middle age! Fuck you, natural processes!
By the way, it's not lost on me that I seem to be having a meltdown over the gaining of basically one and a half pounds over the course of five days. Maybe I should get a grip? Or back off from my eternal narcissism, I suppose. I have a photo of myself on the beach shirtless in Laguna Beach in July 2016 that I am kind of in love with, my body looks better in that shot than any time before or since. If I could go back two years in time and fuck that iteration of myself, I would do it.

The plan yesterday was for Shobhit to join me at the 5:30 showing of Tag at the Meridian theatre downtown. The thing is, Google has been kind of wonky with their theatre listings lately, and for some reason when I Googled "Tag movie times", it showed one at 5:30 -- and I did not realize until Shobhit and I were hallway through walking down there that neither the Regal website nor the MoviePass app was showing at 5:30 showtime. Only 6:40. What the shit?
Shobhit was really annoyed for a few minutes, but he got over it surprisingly quickly. I think it may have made a difference when I Googled it on my phone to prove to him that I had indeed seen "5:30" when I looked it up earlier in the day. The thing is, I biked home and was there all of ten minutes before we had boxed up the pasta he made for dinner and rushed back out of there. Now there was no point in rushing.
He didn't want to go to the 6:40 showing, and I did. I still want to go to Steamworks tonight, and there's Pride stuff all weekend, and we have The Lost World: Fallen Kingdom to see this weekend anyway (probably Sunday evening, after Pride). But, we still had our dinner with us, so we walked down to Westlake Park and just at our dinner there. It also smoothed things over a little for him to realize this meant he gets a point out of the evening as a result anyway. "No point in going to the movie then," he said. And he took my Orca Card and bused home, before I walked back to the Meridian to get my movie ticket with MoviePass.
Tag was . . . well, it was good enough. Solid B, which is better than I kind of thought I would wind up giving it. I didn't feel like it was a waste of my time, and it cost me nothing extra anyway. I've seen so many movies using MoviePass now that pretty much every movie I see with it qualifies as free, until my yearlong subscription runs out early next year. The thing is, though, I think Shobhit actually probably would have enjoyed the movie a little more even than I did. I do still have two Costco Regal tickets left in my wallet, one of which will get used for him to see Jurassic World. The movie's not getting great reviews and I don't expect to think it's great, but whatever, I'm seeing it anyway.
I took a LimeBike home, after two failed attempts -- yet again -- at unlocking SPIN cycles. I even deleted the app and re-installed it between the two attempts, and, no such luck. I need to contact them about this again, because clearly, it's not an issue with the bikes themselves, as I suspected a couple of weeks ago, but with the app. My LimeBike app works like a charm. I still had to walk up to Boren to catch a LimeBike, so I rode maybe 2/3 of the way home, and still got home around 9:00 just as expected. I got my review written within about half an hour, so I went ahead and watched last Sunday's episode of Last Week Tonight with John Oliver before going to bed. We have two episodes of Bill Maher to catch up on and then we can finally get back into Billions.

[posted 12:25 pm]