lunch and a movie . . . and another movie

Well, given that I already updated on Friday evening and all of Saturday in yesterday's post, there's not a huge amount more for me to tell you about yesterday.
Yesterday Shobhit and I watched both the Netflix DVD movies I had at home, plus another hour of TV. More time in front of screens -- I thought a little about my day on Saturday, which consisted of several shopping stops with Shobhit in the morning, spending the afternoon hanging out with Gabriel at his new apartment, and spending the evening hanging out with Gabriel, Mandy and David on Mandy and David's back patio. I spent zero time on Saturday either watching movies or TV, and you know what? It was refreshing enough that it made me think I'd like to try and do that more often.
I mean, to be clear, I don't have much interest in changing the frequency with which I go to movies in the theatre. And I do have lots of TV I'm interested to keep up with. But I'd still sure like to insert days like Saturday into my life with a bit more frequency. As much as I love movies and great TV, they don't offer the same kind of overall satisfaction with life experiences as simply spending quality time with cool people does. (Shobhit and I spent the entire week we went to Yellowstone National Park this way: no movies or TV at all; I was in front of a computer every evening but that was just so I could keep up with the sheer volume of photos I was taking, with editing and uploading and tagging.)
Shobhit and I did do some more shopping yesterday: once I was finally done writing that blog post and then got my shower and primping done by around 11:30 am, Shobhit drove us across I-90 to Bellevue and we went to Mayuri Foods, the Indian grocery store he's partial to. We got such huge volumes of produce, bulk commodities and packaged snacks that we scrapped our initial plan to stop at MacPherson's Produce on Beacon Hill on our way back -- we got everything needed at Mayuri.
And after that, as we typically do when we're that close to it and Shobhit really likes the place (as do I), we went and shared a thali lunch at Chaat House. It's cafeteria style and always busy; and almost invariably I'm the only white person in there. I make no judgment of that fact; it's just something I always notice when that's the case. They're just slightly more spicy than I would like, but I can handle it -- it's otherwise a very tasty place, and a very good value for the volume of food you get.

It took us a while to put the groceries away once we got home, and then I suggested we watch one of the Netflix movies while I had some ice cream -- I had some out of one of the five quarts (or maybe they're each more like 48oz) of ice cream we got at QFC on Saturday on sale for 99¢ each. Shobhit didn't want me to open a new container and suggested we save a bunch for when we host Morgan's birthday dinner on the 27th, but I wanted some of that chocolate brownie chunk ice cream, not the Neapolitan flavor he'd already opened. Besides, that allowed me to make mine tastier by adding both some peanuts and some peanut butter. Yum! (Adding the peanut butter also prevented Shobhit from eating any.)
We watched the first Ant-Man -- which was not horrible, but was also just okay at best. I'm so, so glad I don't bother to see 90% of these superhero movies in the theatre anymore. What a waste of time and effort. That movie was only barely worth watching at home. Once it was done, we immediately put in Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation, which was far superior as entertainment. Also, now we are caught up on the franchise, and have all the movies fresh in our minds when the new one opens the 27th.
We'll have to wait at least until the 28th to see it, though, because the 27th is when Danielle will bring Morgan for her birthday dinner of Indian food. She'll bring one friend, along with her sister, Rylee. Danielle's trying to see if she can also bring her friend the henna artist who did Shobhit's and my wedding henna party in 2013. If that happens, counting Shobhit and myself, Shobhit will have seven to cook for that evening. Or really, that week: he always starts days ahead for our dinners we host.
And that dinner, incidentally, will be a week after we finally have Lynn and Zephyr (and presumably Lynn's son Nick) over for dinner, this coming Saturday, the 21st. Technically those dinners will thus be just six days apart. I would normally try to schedule these further apart, but I've been telling Lynn and Zephyr since January that we should have them over for dinner, and finally managed to nail down a date. Morgan's dinner has to happen on the 27th because that's her birthday. I did tell Danielle it will be much easier for them to come up to us, and to that she agreed. Especially with Indian food, cooking a multi-course dinner is made much more complicated by having to transport it all down to Renton.
Anyway! After the second movie, and after we made a veggie chili based soup with enough volume to supply lunches for most of the week, Shobhit and I spent some time working on a Washington Post crossword puzzle, which I haven't done with him in a few months. We gave up about halfway through, though, and when Shobhit saw on Hulu that the second season of Harlots has been released, he surprised me by being all about diving right back into that show. So, we watched one episode.
And that pretty well sums up the rest of my weekend.

[posted 12:26 pm]