weather to bother you

I took myself to see Sorry to Bother You at Pacific Place last night, fully expecting to like it a lot -- and was surprised to find myself disappointment. The film is far from without value, which was why I still gave it a B-. But I can't really recommend it to anyone, and I find myself feeling bad about that because I want to support the people who made it. But, my feeling bad about it is likely the product of white guilt, and little else. A lot of movies made by, for and about nonwhite (and/or non-straight) people have been coming out in the past few years, and that's a great thing. They can't all be great movies. It was sort of like when I saw Equity (2016) to support a movie about Wall Street that happened to have a female-majority cast, and it wasn't as good as I really wanted it to be either. (Hell, the same could be said of Ocean's Eight.) Sorry to Bother You tested my patience to a greater degree, though. I think Boots Riley could have benefited greatly from a screenwriting assist, by someone with a much greater depth of knowledge of the business industries in particular that the movie delves into.
But, whatever. I want to support the people who made the movie, and I paid for a ticket. Or I suppose more accurately, I made MoviePass pay for it -- because that card was saving me money by March. I wondered if I would get stuck with a "Peak Pricing" surcharge on this movie for the first time, as I'd be getting there much closer to the showtime -- but, getting there with about 10 minutes to spare on a Monday evening, I still had no extra charge. The theatre wasn't packed, but it did have a pretty good crowd, maybe 30% full -- a better turnout on a Monday evening than Skyscraper had at its 7:30 pm showing on opening night!

I much prefer to go straight to movies right after work for showtimes around 4:45 or 5:00, but the previous showtime last night was at 4:15, which was too early. So, I had to suck it up and deal with the 7:10 showing -- and write the review this morning. At least the weather was nice enough that I could bike down and back, cutting travel time in half. "Nice" is a relative word, given we had a high yesterday of 90°, about 14° above normal. Same shit happened on Sunday; it was pretty warm on Saturday too -- I've been wearing shorts several days in a row now -- and today will be close, with a forecast high of 84°. Tomorrow gets very much back to normal with a forecast roughly 10° below that, which is much more my speed.
Anyway, I was home for roughly an hour before leaving for the movie again, and I made omelets for us for dinner. After high-calorie snacks I had at work yesterday, I really needed a light dinner, and Shobhit's suggestion of omelets actually did the trick: I was down nearly a pound this morning. 152.7 is still higher than I prefer, and I especially hate being above 150, but I guess I can live with it. I mean, as long as I continue to fit in my clothes, well, whatever.
We then watched the second episode of season 2 of Harlots on Hulu. I have to share my favorite line from the episode: "I want to live, Charlie. At least long enough to see my muff turn silver."
I had to explain to Shobhit what a "muff" is.

[posted 12:25 pm]