Lusio: A Night to Awaken

So yesterday I had barely gotten to work when Laney texted me that she had a stomach bug and couldn't do Happy Hour after work after all; we postponed it for Sunday afternoon instead. That left my evening entirely free to spend with Ivan, although I wasn't quite sure what we would do, although hopefully more than just sitting around at home all night.
And then, I just happened to see the Capitol Hill Seattle Twitter feed post a link to an event page for something going on that very nigh, which sounded very cool and was free: a presentation of artistic light installations all over Volunteer Park, called "Lusio: A Night to Awaken."
I messaged the link to Ivan and wrote, I just found something interesting for us to maybe go check out tonight?? Pretty soon afterward he responded, That sounds great, let’s go!
And thus, almost spontaneously, I went out last night to something that yielded 64 photos for a set on Flickr, most of them very cool shots. I didn't even know when I woke up yesterday morning that my Friday would end like this.

I had ridden my bike home from work, and Ivan was sitting at the dining table looking at his phone, just like he often was when he used to live here. We agreed to leave for the park at about 8:00 and walk there; in the end it was about 8:10, and then we even went slightly the wrong way first, as he wanted to get a caramel macchiato at the Starbucks on Broadway and Pike first. But before we left, he really wanted to check out this new Stephen King-based show on Hulu, Castle Rock, and so we watched the first episode -- which he promptly ignored as he look at his phone the whole time. So I watched a few episodes of Broad City, a show we watched together a couple of times in 2016 before he moved back in the last time, after coming over to see the cats after our many monthly dinners we had that year between maybe March and November.
Anyway, the "Lusio" event was very cool, and we were there until past 10:00, which slightly surprised me. There was a lot to see -- and take pictures of; hence the 64 photos. (I took way more than that, but tossed a lot that didn't turn out well.) I'd say maybe once we spent half the time we ultimately spent there, we started feeling like we'd seen everything there was to see, only to turn and discover something new.
Before starting this post, I just got done captioning all those photos, so you can get a lot more detail by clicking through to Flickr. We stopped at Safeway on the way back so I could get a bag of chips and use them to eat the last of the artichoke spinach cheese dip Eric sent Shobhit and me home with last weekend, and thankfully, Ivan happily helped me with that, so I wouldn't scarf it all down. I was down to 151.3 lbs this morning! Actually I even weighed myself a second time later this morning and it said 150.8, but I don't trust that so I'm sticking with 151.3 as my official weight for the day.
I think I'm going to read my library book for a bit now. Ivan left the condo a couple of hours ago while I was still getting read and I have no idea where he went. I suppose he can have some of his own time though, that's only fair!

[posted 12:21 pm]