My tweets

  • Mon, 12:13: This passage from Guy Branum’s memoir got me thinking about the movies I showed Shobhit for the first time, where cultural touchstones might have created this problem with any other American but not with him. He came to the U.S. in 2000 and knew nothing whatsoever about movies like JAWS, E.T. or PSYCHO. I got to see them through the eyes of someone completely unspoiled, and there was real joy in that.
  • Mon, 12:43: RT @KrangTNelson: going to a subpar beer & wings restaurant to leer at/take pics with big-boobed waitresses is one of the most uniquely baby-boomer male concepts and I am laughing my ass off at the idea that it’s some sort of sacred cultural institution that millennials are shitting all over RT Complex Hooters is closing locations, restrategizing because millennials aren't that into boobs.
  • Mon, 15:14: Ah, the apocalyptic days of summer. 🔥
  • Mon, 18:26: Shobhit told me they were sampling peanut butter cups at this Costco and I nearly had a breakdown. “What! Where??”