My tweets

  • Tue, 5:44: RT @DollyParton: 😂 😂 😂
  • Tue, 7:38: After being surprised by my AirBnB's lack of top sheets on my bed, I googled it, and apparently this is a debate?? "Millennials are killing tops sheets!" Now, I've been staunchly defending millennials all along but this is where I draw a fucking line.
  • Tue, 11:49:
    This week's best podcast exchange:

    "You know what I saw the other day?--"
    "--coming out of the golf course parked there in the lot and as I was turning around to leave? A chipmunk, pulling his squashed friend over to the grass."
    "Ahh, speaking of storming the beaches at Normandy. You don't get over that."
    "Come on, buddy. Just a little bit further."

  • Tue, 12:54: If you want to find out whether your city has gotten too big for its britches, just come into contact with its pigeons. The ones here have gotten really rude. They think they own the road and THEY HAVE WINGS.
  • Tue, 13:46: I assume Elon Musk smells like a damp ungulate?
  • Tue, 17:17: MAD MAC: SMOKY ROAD
  • Tue, 18:34: Taco Time is a local company headquartered in Renton? How did I not know this?? All this time I thought it was national just like Taco Bell.
  • Tue, 21:35: Not exactly hard to piece together! But the parts fit together nicely!