
Yesterday I went to my third movie in as many days -- Lizzie, a speculative retelling of the Lizzie Borden murders starring Chlöe Sevigny, Kristen Stewart, Jamey Sheridan, Fiona Shaw, Denis O'Hare and Kim Dickens. It actually had a lot in common with the movie I saw the previous day, Assassination Nation, just set in different time periods -- Lizzie has way better acting but Assassination Nation was a lot easier to get into.
Anyway, I was going to see Lizzie today but I switched it when Shobhit picked up an extra swing shift yesterday. I usually try to space my movie-going out more, and avoid seeing movies two days in a row, let alone three, but this was just how it worked out. Now I'll have two quiet evenings at home before Laney's Birthday Happy Hour (her actual birthday is Sunday) on Friday; a party at Sachin's Saturday; and going out for brunch with Shobhit on Sunday. It works out: I just found out tonight is the season premiere of the tenth season of Modern Family. How often do TV series last that long anymore? Not many! And certainly few stay as good as that one has -- The Big Bang Theory has been around for ages too, but it's pretty much become a hack version of its former self.
I still really want to watch the Jane Fonda documentary on HBO tonight too though.
I saw rather little of Shobhit last night, having gone to bed soon before he got home. I got home myself and I dished myself up some dinner from what he had ready made for me; wrote the review; and listened to Troye Sivan in the living room while I packed the rest of dinner into lunches in the kitchen and washed all those dishes. Then I watched an episode of Insecure before going to bed.
Shanti gets progressively more affectionate as she ages. She used to be far less so than Guru. Now nearly every night she comes to bed of her own accord -- after a few weeks of my picking her up to bring her to bed with me, and then she actually stayed. I think I've actually effectively trained her by doing this. Now, as soon as I get into bed, she hops up from the floor and walks up to lay down next to my left side. Guru, for his part, continues always to want to be on whichever side I am facing. If I am on my left side trying to give Shanti attention, he comes and gets in between us. If I turn over to my right side, he'll come over there to lay down nestled into my neck and right arm. A big part of that is his longtime preference for being in between Shobhit and me. But, even when Shobhit is in bed, if I'm on my left side, Guru will only stay on that side most of the time. They're both totally my cats.

Well, today I decided to eat my lunch inside -- as did everyone else. It's not raining today, but it is cloudy, and when I checked the National Weather Service website it said it was 56°. Now I knew I'd actually be more comfortable inside.
I had the last of the leftovers from last night's dinner Shobhit made, sitting next to Jamie and across from Scott. Not a whole lot of talking, though. I got up and left pretty much as soon as I finished eating.
I can't think of much else to tell you today. Oh, I guess I could get back to the three movies I saw the past three days in a row: in one fell swoop, I used up my three-movies-per-week limit on the AMC Stubbs A-List subscription service. And Shobhit thought I might not maximize its use! Even though I still have the MoviePass app, every time I open that, there's like two movies available. I can see literally any movie playing at AMC, though -- I can even see them more than once, if I want. I just can't see more than three per week.
I actually tweeted at them yesterday to find out what the start and end date of these weeks are, and their answer (which I appreciated actually getting, in pretty short order) was something I should have guessed: Friday through Thursday. That makes sense, since movies open on Fridays and thus the typical movie theatre week is that range. Some movies start their first screenings after 7 p.m. the Thursday before, but only the big movies expected to get huge audiences. This does mean I can't use the AMC app again until Friday, but that's fine. I don't have another movie on my schedule now until Saturday anyway.
Okay I guess I spouted enough bullshit to fill out today's DLU sufficiently.

[posted 12:26 pm]