Maggi Fonda

Even though it was chilly and cloudy at lunchtime yesterday, finally prompting me to eat inside at work like everyone else, by 4:30 it was even warmer than it had been the day before at the same time. So as usual, I stuffed my jacket into my shoulder bag and rode my bike home.
Shobhit made Maggi, an Asian style brand of noodles, with vegetables and tofu, which I helped chop the last bits of vegetables for as soon as I got home. We ate while watching the first hour or so of the HBO original documentary Jane Fonda in Five Acts. We only stopped because Shobhit had planned to go to a leather event at The Cuff -- I never go to those things; I couldn't be less into leather -- and we'll watch the rest of it (about an hour and 15 minutes left) tonight. Just within that first hour, though, I learned a lot about Jane Fonda that I never knew about. Also I'm starting to think maybe I should watch the two movies she won Oscars for, Klute and Coming Home. I'm pretty sure I've never seen either one. I've never seen They Shoot Horses, Don't They? either -- or even Barbarella, which looks like over-the-top camp by today's standards. Come to think of it, maybe the earliest movie I ever saw her in was 9 to 5 (which I always thought was great) -- and she was 42 in that movie. I always loved On Golden Pond too, and that one came out the very next year, in 1981. For someone who loves movies as much as I do, and for how famous Jane Fonda is, the size of my blind spots when it comes to her is maybe a little odd.
So anyway, Shobhit left, and I caught up on some personal email, read a little, and was in bed by shortly after 10:00. Shobhit came home clearly buzzed from having a drink at The Cuff after his two glasses of wine at home, but he wasn't too annoying. Thankfully he wasn't outright drunk. That makes a difference.

Well the sky is bluer today than it even was on Tuesday, no clouds, low sixties -- it was perfect for eating out on the balcony again. I was alone again too, which made it perfect for belching like a bullfrog with a bullhorn. But, people were heading outside as I came in. Brenda even came up to me in the kitchen and told me I looked like I was having a spa day sitting out there with my sunglasses on. "You looked so relaxed, I should go out there," she said. Indeed!
I'm kind of on my own in a lot of contexts at work today, actually. Scott is doing his usual Thursday store tours. Noah was here this morning but then at around 11:00 he got up from his desk and said to me, "I'm off to the dentist!" and then he gave me a thumbs-up and a huge grin. He said he'll be gone the rest of the day, finishing up work from home. Scott does sometimes make it to the office later in the afternoon on days like this.
I'm just here, plugging away, listening to podcasts, occasionally looking at tweets about the Senate hearing with Christine Blasey Ford. I'm actually not paying extremely close attention because I don't need all these details that are just going to depress me, watching old white men condescend to a victim and treat her with suspicion. Fuck those guys. I'm getting more than enough information from Twitter, honestly.

[posted 12:26 pm]