Mon, 19:58: F5 Tower (2017, 660 ft, 47 floors), Seattle's tallest building constructed since 1990. It's dwarfed by both Seattle Municipal Tower (the 1990 building in question, behind it to the right, standing at 722 ft -- also known as the Penis Building!) and Columbia Center (standing at 937 ft, seen partially at far right in this frame), but if this building were to stand at the north end of downtown instead of here at the south end, it would really stand out -- standing 55 ft taller (the equivalent of about 4.5 floors) than even the Space Needle.
This building is the fifth-tallest in Seattle, but will move to #6 in 2020 when Rainier Square Tower will become the new second-tallest building in the city, at 849 ft and 59 floors.