quiche muffin lovin

Okay, what now? I can't really think of anything. Pretty routine the past 24 hours or so. I walked home from work. Oh, wait! I just remembered something new -- I made quiche muffins for dinner! Slightly modified from a simple recipe by my old ("old" can be applied multiple ways here) friend Susan. That link to the comment thread on her old LiveJournal post from October 2014 was found via my own journal entry from March 2015. I feel like I had made it a few times prior even to that, perhaps quite a while prior, but when I did a Google Advanced Search of "quiche muffins" narrowed down to the domain of my old LiveJournal account, it turns up only one hit, for a passing reference to "those quiche muffins" some three days later; I found the entry with the link to Susan's entry by clicking "back" through entries for a few days' worth of posts.
Anyway! This would suggest, if nothing else, I have not attempted this recipe that Susan said way back when is "very difficult to fuck up" for nearly four years. I don't know why it suddenly came to me when contemplating what to make for dinner last night, although due to a recent QFC digital sale we do have a shit load of eggs, and this recipe burns through 10 of them.
I wrote back in 2015 that I actually did manage to fuck it up. I won't say that I fucked it up last night -- it was fine -- but I will say it could have been better. I decided to add a few chopped vegetables to it: onion, bell pepper, tomato. Also chopped one Field Roast veggie sausage. To compensate for the added volume of vegetables, I cut the amount of cheese called for by about half. I think this may have been a mistake. In the final product, you can hardly discern there is cheese in it (and I dumped two full cups of shredded cheese in the mixing bowl). To get the desired effect, these things really need more cheese, and honestly at least one more of the veggie sausages. Less of the vegetables, to get the same volume. The mixture in the bowl that I had still filled a 12-cup muffin tray quite perfectly. I got two lunches of leftovers out of it, each container containing two and a half quiche muffins.
We also had instant mashed potatoes with it. I cannot for the life of me remember where we got that packet from. It must have been a sample from work.
I noted in 2015 what a pain in the ass it was to clean the muffin tray. Although I buttered every muffin cup in the tin tray right good, I had the same issue last night. Maybe a little easier to clean than before, but it was still a big mess. Perhaps I should invest in some of those muffin paper cup things.
Shobhit wanted to add beets. I was like, no. No fucking beets! Not in this.

So then, after Shobhit was done with his news programs, we finally watched his SAG Awards screener of The Favourite -- making it the third time I had seen it. To my surprise, it was an almost better experience watching it at home than at the theatre. This is because The Egyptian Theatre has a sound system that often makes it difficult to discern dialogue, and now I was able to put on closed captioning. I was able to catch far more of the dialogue this time than I ever could either of the previous two times in the theatre. Kind of astonishingly, I think Shobhit was relatively indifferent to the movie. I found myself appreciating it even more.
Quiche muffin update! I just finished eating my lunch and, lo and behold, I found it particularly tasty! Maybe these get better with age? I don't remember that being a part of Susan's evangelizing about them, but then, I also can't remember yesterday. (I only remembered I made quiche muffins with some effort searching my memory bank.)
I still think they could use better modification to my own tastes, but as of now I'm declaring them much more of a success than I thought they were last night. I guess having them too fresh is the least tasty time to eat them? Perhaps tomorrow's lunch will be even better!

[posted 12:18 pm]