good for now

I totally skipped the DLU yesterday -- in favor of my annual "I'd Like to Thank the Academy" reactions, which will probably mostly prove wrong (immediately after posting that, I listened to an awards season podcasts on which they all basically declared A Star Is Born dead in the water -- then again, talking head pundits are statistically wrong more often than not as well). So really, today I have two days to catch you up on instead of one.
Not that there's a whole lot to tell even with two days to cover. On Monday I took myself to see Cold War, which was very good -- and, interestingly, a surprising connection to the first year Ivan lived with me, in 2014 (kind of amazingly, I realized recently that this April I will already have known him for five years). I already knew that, being set in post-World War II Communist Poland, Ivan would be interested in the movie, so I made it a point to tell him over Facebook Messenger that he would like it. What I did not realize until looking it up on iMDB, though, was that the director was the same one who did Ida, which I gave an A- review in 2014, and Ivan took himself to see it within days of my going. (Ivan and I never actually hung out together outside of home the first time he lived with me; that did not start until after he moved out the first time in January 2015. Otherwise we might have gone together.) I have no idea if he remembers that movie now but I had to mention it. All he had to say about it this time was, Oh I just love any movie about communism!
And last night was fairly uneventful. We watched several more episodes of Cheers. Oh hey, you know what? I just realized that with this being streaming on Netflix, I can actually easily access my streaming viewing history on their website. So this is how many episodes we've watched each day:
I guess we actually started it on Saturday.
Saturday: 2 episodes
Sunday: 15 episodes
Tuesday: 7 episodes
So, if we average 20 minutes each episode, that's 40 minutes on Saturday; 300 minutes or five hours (holy shit) on Sunday; and 140 minutes or 2 hours and 20 minutes on Tuesday. We're already two episodes into season two.

Oh, and I suppose I should not forget -- Alicia and I went on our Myrtle Edwards Loop Walk for the week on Monday. It was a nice day, which I mentioned at lunch, and she said, "I'm up for it!" And yesterday and today have been rainy.
Speaking of walks, my walk home from work last night, I walked up Denny instead of down Western to Pine as usual, as I met Shobhit at the City Cat Mobile Vet building to pick up the medicine that's supposed to help Guru puke less often, which I had not purchased a new bottle of since 2017. He's going through some shit recently, where he's been barfing multiple times a day the past several days, always right after eating, seemingly no matter what he eats. He behaves as though everything is fine otherwise so as far as I can tell he's not sick or anything. It's very annoying.
We then walked to Twice Sold Tales, the next stop of many on a so-far-fruitless search Shobhit is on for a monologue from a 1992 play called Search and Destroy. They didn't have it there either. Then he got us some takeout of shahi paneer from Mirch Masala on Broadway, which we took home to eat with garlic naan and the leftover lentils he made the other night. We ate while watching those seven episodes of Cheers.
That show had eleven seasons, but at this rate we'll blow through them all in a matter of just a few weeks.
In other news, this morning I tired sweetening my tea with a Stevia sweetener packet. I won't be doing that again. Unlike, say, my beloved Zevia soda, this gave the tea a weird aftertaste. It was barely tolerable, but for only so long -- I finally pumped a couple squirts of regular vanilla and lavender syrup into it at lunch time. So that ultimately had the opposite effect from what was intended, huh? I should have just drank it unsweetened to begin with, as I try to do most days (except Fridays).
On the upside, I have been doing much better the past couple of days avoiding between-meal snacking. I did have half an old fashioned glazed doughnut at work yesterday right before lunch, but that's all! So, as I said to Shobhit later, I'm still proud of myself. But then dinner consisted of about twice as much naan as I really should have eaten, and then cheese and crackers that Shobhit broke out and kept feeding me, and then even a few bites of "lite" ice cream. I weighed in at another pound up this morning. I won't blame Shobhit for that, though. I still need to exert some fucking self-control.
As for today? So far, so good. But as Curly said in City Slickers, "Day ain't over yet." I'm still feeling pretty good about it at the moment though.

[posted 12:22 pm]