
Yet another day of not-very-exciting things! I walked downtown from work yesterday and then caught a #11 again, basically the second half of the distance. Traffic is so ridiculous downtown that I can be two blocks away from the stop, see the #11 turn right in front of me, and I can reasonably expect I will beat it to the bus stop walking at my normal pace. How fucking stupid is that? Once it gets past that stop at 4th and Pike, though, it goes all the way up to 9th & Pine before its next stop, and it's fairly steady going up Capitol Hill after that.
Shobhit got some extra hours and worked clear until 5:00 after starting at 7 a.m. He was asked to go help at the Shoreline store at 10 a.m. So, I beat him home, but not by much. A very strange thing did happen, though: when I posted the two shots I took of last night's incredible sunset on Instagram, I clicked the sliding button to have it also post to Facebook. A pop-up window asked me something I can't remember exactly -- I figured it was asking "are you sure?" or something to that effect, and I just clicked it to get it out of my way, and posted as usual because I've never had any reason to assume what was about to happen would happen.
So then I go to the Facebook app, because I knew that I would need to remove the redundant "@ Braeburn Condominiums" that shows up in the description of the post even though it already indicates a checkin there. For a second I was very confused because I kept pressing the elipses to edit the post, and there was no edit option.
Now, this is relevant: I was on my iPad. I had taken the photos from the roof of our building with my phone, but I was unsure of how good the photos really were and wanted to view them from iCloud on my larger iPad screen. And after a few minutes, I realized: I wasn't looking at my own post on Facebook. I was looking at this photos posted to Shobhit's account, but that just happened to be at the top of my own Facebook feed because Shobhit is a "starred" Facebook friend.
So these are the inconsistent details about this that make no sense:
1) In the Instagram app, I was signed in to my own account.
2) In the Facebook app, I was signed in to my own account.
3) Somehow, when in the Instagram app and cross-posting to Facebook, Instgram posted the photos as though it thought the Facebook app was actually signed into Shobhit's account. Even though it wasn't.
4) So, it was like Instagram thought Shobhit was logged in on Facebook, even though I was actually logged in to my own accounts on both apps.
When Shobhit got home, I told him about what happened. I did ask him if he had ever logged into Facebook on my iPad, and he said yes. So that must have something to do with it. But, my being logged into my own accounts on both apps still renders this quite the mystery.
I told him he might want to delete the post on his own Facebook page if he wants, and he seemed like he might, but as of this writing, he hasn't. His post has 11 reactions and 1 comment, so maybe that's partly why he decided to keep it. Or maybe he just spaced it and he doesn't care that much.
My own post has proved unusually popular -- 21 reactions and 2 comments. In any case, for the 53 mutual Facebook friends Shobhit and I have, several of them probably saw both of us post the exact same thing literally two minutes apart (5:36 and 5:38). Even though I was actually the one who posted both of them.
It was all very weird.

Anyway, then I helped Shobhit make a kind of "Indian stew" version of egg curry, a dish he hasn't made in a long time but is a good way to burn through a lot of the three 18pk cartons of eggs we got a few weeks ago; we're down to just the one now. I actually suggested it, as he hadn't made egg curry in ages.
I suppose an official recipe is fairly similar to what Shobhit actually made -- just imagine a whole lot more sautéed chopped vegetables added. Shobhit likes to take the "kitchen sink" approach to adding vegetables to most of his dishes. This one had an entire chopped eggplant, among many other things: onion, carrots, radishes, mushrooms, even a few potatoes, and those are just the ones I can remember. He made a pot of rice and fried some tortillas and we ate while watching last week's episode of Modern Family and then two episodes of Cheers.
Then Sachin popped by and I went to bed while they argued in the living room.
Oh -- I guess I shouldn't forget that Alicia and I did this week's "loop walk" through Myrtle Edwards Park yesterday afternoon. The weather was crisp and sunny and quite nice, but Alicia really likes to book, and my recovery from this damned cold is starting to drag on. I felt a little off after getting back from that, which was a big reason I only walked half the way home from work later. I actually felt mostly fine walking downtown, but decided it best to bus the second half of the way anyway.
I sure hope I've turned a true corner by Saturday.

[posted 12:38 pm]