for now, the plans

Not a ton to share today, as I just went home from work yesterday, and on my walk I changed my mind about going to a movie, deciding I would go tonight instead. This does pack my weekend with a bit more activity than I would necessarily choose in such short order, but for me to use my AMC subscription and not have to pay extra for a ticket to see Shoplifers, I'll have to go to the AMC in the U District to see it -- and the only feasible showtime there is at 7:10. If I had gone last night, I would have had to either stay up too late writing the review afterward or wind up writing it at work this morning. These concerns are moot if I go see it on a Friday evening instead.
I do have plans to see Mary Poppins Returns again tomorrow, this time with Laney, but at least I've already seen that one and have therefore already written the review. After that I'll only have to write a review to the movie I intend to see on Sunday (Mary, Queen of Scots, which as it happens I have postponed on my Google Calendar at least twice already).
The other thing about tomorrow is that, along with Jessica, Laney and I are going to the Amazon Spheres -- my fourth time there, second time in the evening; their first. The timed entry for our passes is 4:00 so it should be light-ish when we arrive and dark by the time we're done. I've got it all figured out.
Shobhit is picking up an extra shift tomorrow, starting at 8pm, but even though he's done at 1:00 in the afternoon, I won't be done with Laney until probably close to 6:00. So Shobhit and I won't see much of each other tomorrow. He'll come with me to Mary, Queen of Scots on Sunday though, because that's one of the movies for which he has an "eMovie Cash" pass because it's nominated for a SAG Award.

I don't have a whole lot of much significance otherwise planned in January, but I'm down with that; it'll be a nice rest between the holiday season and all I've got set to be going on in February and March:
--Saturday February 2: Gina and Beth will stay overnight in our guest room; Dad and Sherri will stay overnight in an AirBnB I booked for them in the West building of our very own condo complex. And this very day, they are all coming up for the "Goodbye Viaduct / Hello Tunnel" walk event. I actually have two tickets to this, and I still intend to do both: I had already made plans with Susan to meet up with her upon the 12:30 entry time and I am still going to. Everyone else decided they also wanted to do this when it came up on Christmas Day, though, and by then the 12:30 entry was sold out -- they've all got tickets to the 2pm entry. (And so do I.) It's going to be a full day.
--Sunday February 3: I had previously balked at the $40 registration fee for the Highway 99 Tunnel / Alaska Way Viaduct bike ride, especially when I'd already be walking on and through it anyway, but on Christmas, Beth was so much about "It's a once in a lifetime opportunity!" that I was finally like, Fine. Beth registered herself and Gina; I registered myself and Dad. (Neither Sherri nor Shobhit are bike riders.) So that's what I'll be doing that day.
--Late February: Shobhit plans for a probably three-week visit to India.
--Last weekend in February (probably): Ivan will come for a weekend visit.
--First weekend in March: I'm hoping I can get my cousin Jennifer to visit.
--Early March: Shobhit still hopes to bring his mom back to Seattle with him, to visit, for . . . months. Like, four months. She visited for six weeks in 2006 and seven weeks in 2008 but hasn't been back since. She's really hemming and hawing about the idea now, though, apparently; both because she thinks it should wait until Shobhit finds a better job again, and apparently her health issues as she gets older. So her coming back seems slightly iffy at this point, but for the moment I am just planning to brace myself for it as an inevitability.
--Sunday March 17: Shobhit and I are already signed up for the St. Patrick's Day Dash, this year actually landing on St. Patrick's Day itself, which we haven't done since 2009 -- ten years ago! I have no idea why Shobhit was all about it this year, but he was. I'm not sure what we'll do with his mother if she's here; she's not registered for it.
And after that, before I know it we'll be nearing the end of April and it will be my Birth Week again!

[posted 12:36 pm]