another autumn stroll

Because Shobhit had mentioned maybe going to Volunteer Park on Sunday but we went to Discovery Park instead since that was his original suggestion, last night I texted Shobhit to suggest he meet me at the Capitol Hill library and then we could take a walk through Volunteer Park then. Shobhit had a rare day off from both his jobs yesterday, and that gave him perhaps more motivation than usual to go ahead and get a Social Review point even though it was another wet day, and so he agreed.
I had to return four DVDs to the library, and then he caught up with me and I met him a block to the east, on Broadway in front of the QFC. I had already walked a couple of miles at this point—and Shobhit had walked a mile himself to get there from home—but from there until we got home we walked another two and a half miles, first to and through Volunteer Park; then briefly to the lookout at Boren Park; then down 15th Avenue back home. Shobhit had a sudden hankering for fries and we looked at three different restaurant menus along the way on 15th, never to see fries on it. We were already going to make pasta for dinner so I really didn't think fries were a good idea, but then he was pretty convinced he could get them at the hummus place called Aviv. Then we discovered that place is closed Sundays and Mondays. Oh well!
Anyway I walked four and a half miles after work yesterday. Shobhit would have walked about three and a half. He said he almost went to the gym but never did. I said, "Almost doesn't cut it!" But I also acknowledged that, at least, he got out for a walk. And then we went home and ate pasta for dinner and chocolate for dessert.

We watched the first episode of Watchmen on HBO and I had mixed feelings about it and Shobhit declared his disinterest about a third of the way through. It reminded him too much of The Handmaid's Tale, a dystopian vision with too many details plucked from actual reality, which he prefers to use TV to escape from. I can kind of see his point, and from that perspective it's kind of like Watchmen doing for racism what The Handmaid's Tale does for misogyny -- which is to say, kind of wallow in it without offering any real sense of hope to overcome it. I need more episodes before I make a final conclusion of my own, though.
We later watched episode 4 of the Apocalypse season of American Horror Story on Netflix, which, I must say, took a real turn for the stupid.
That's about all I've got to report for today, I think. It's still wet and rainy! I kind of love that. I walked under my new umbrella (I had to replace my last one yesterday after a piece fell out and all the wires stopped snapping together, although for the first time I did think about the many umbrellas I have gone through which must now be in landfill somewhere) from the bus stop downtown to work this morning listening to Heart, and I quite enjoyed myself. I shall again on my walk home after work today. I was going to take myself to a movie tonight but I really need to search through some thrift shops for a long sleeve green shirt I really need to destroy for my Halloween costume. So perhaps I'll be doing that this evening instead.

[posted 12:30 pm]