six dollar detour

It stopped raining. Damn it!
The only rain in the forecast for the next week is now a 50% chance of some rain on Friday. God damn it!
Well, it did give me a chance to read my library book while walking home from work yesterday, which tends to be the only time I manage to make any real dent in my book reading. So, there's that.
To my surprise and delight, I had only to stop at Goodwill on Capitol Hill and I found a long sleeve solid green T-shirt for $5.99—$6.60 with tax. I liked it so much it's a bummer I'll almost certainly be ruining it for my Halloween costume. At least now I have all I need for the costume, although it occurred to me I may have to wait until I get to Olympia on Saturday before I actually put the final parts together. Otherwise I'd have to figure out a way to carry a shirt with pokey pipe cleaners glued onto and sticking out from a shirt, without causing it to fall apart, on a three-bus, 2.5-3-hour transit ride to Olympia. That doesn't sound very easily done to me.
I was kind of struck by how many other shirts I found at Goodwill that I liked. I should go back there and look around just for some general shopping and browsing. Although the first couple shirts I found, which might have also worked, were priced at nearly $30. That seems like a loot for Goodwill products, but whatever. Maybe my brain is just still stuck on typical Goodwill prices from the eighties and nineties. I donate more to Goodwill than I ever buy from it, and all I ever donate is damaged clothing that could never be re-sold. (They do take it, though, and I feel better taking it to them than throwing it away.) The $6 shirt I found was better suited for my needs in the end, though, and I did find other cheaper stuff I could imagine buying. Maybe Shobhit and I both should frequent local thrift stores more often.
I don't feel like I particularly need any new clothes, except I do have a few beloved shirts that are on their last legs, and I'd still feel better if I had some kind of replacement for them.

Anyway, I walked the rest of the way home from there, relieved I did not have to go searching at two or three other thrift stores before I found what I needed, which I really expected I would have to do. I had even searched on Amazon for solid green long-sleeve shirts and could find nothing that suited my needs at a reasonable price. (It needs to be a shade of green that matches that of a typical cactus.)
Shobhit worked until 8:00 last night, and I made a quick dinner of Indian meal packets at rice, and then actually made quite a bit of headway on my 2020 calendars. I'm using Costco's service this year so I can just pick them up when they're ready rather than waiting several weeks for delivery, but I still consider it an experiment for now—if the photo color quality is as bad as I've seen a couple people online say it is, then I will go back to ordering Apple calendars off my Mac next year. It may sort of even out, though, because Costco allows for both images and text inside a single calendar day square, which was a feature Apple never had. On the other hand, with Apple you can duplicate calendars and the Costco website does not appear to have that feature, which means I have to create four different versions of my calendar from scratch in each case and that's a bit annoying. I may have come up with a system for somewhat mitigating the annoyance though.
I actually worked on that most of the time until Shobhit got home, which was not until close to 8:30. And since he immediately turned on his news programs, we did not watch anything together last night. I need to remind him tonight though, that the Netflix movie The Laundromat is available for streaming now; we were both interested in that. I was getting ready for bed within another hour or so. I even got nearly seven hours of sleep last night, and was still zonked out at 5:15 when his alarm went off (he had an early shift today), and my own alarm would have gone off no more than five minutes after that. So I got up and did my push-ups and planks I do every other day.

[posted 12:20 pm]