
Yesterday right after work I took myself to Pacific Place downtown to see Zombieland: Double Tap, and it was . . . barely worth my time, and that only because it did not cost me anything extra. Tonight after work I'm going straight to the Egyptian on Capitol Hill to see the Korean movie Parasite, and I'm pretty excited about that one; by all accounts it's one of the best movies of the year. I'm eager to see something with real quality again.
I walked home after the movie last night and wrote the review, which exceeded 900 words—notably longer than I expected it to be. I had some of the Asian pasta with fried tofu Shobhit had made for dinner, and it was so spicy I had to get a soda just to cut it down. Shobhit was surprised when I text him about it after he texted me from work asking how it was. He said later, after he got home, that he had put only two jalapeños in it. Well, I don't know what to say about that. Are some jalapeño peppers just hotter than others, I wonder? Because he has indeed made other meals with that much chopped hot pepper in it that did not burn my throat so badly.
I was in bed by the time Shobhit got home, but just barely. I was still awake. I was asleep soon after, though.

I head down to Olympia for an overnight stay tomorrow, without Shobhit as he's working, and because he's working later shifts, I'm leaving the car with him and taking city buses. It will take a while, but that's okay. I should finish my library book so it's all good.
It's kind of an interesting shift for what would otherwise be expected to be happening this weekend: last year and the year before, I went to Shelton to stay the night with Jennifer after she and Eric hosted big Halloween parties at their house. With Eric gone, that's clearly not happening this year. But, as though bubbling up to fill the void, Beth and Gina invited Dad and Sherri, as well as me, to the "3rd Annual Clean & Sober Halloween Boo Bash" in Lacey tomorrow evening. I'll be my first Halloween party I won't be drinking at! Well, excluding at work, anyway. Which of course illustrates that I can do a Halloween party without drinking. Maybe I'll have a cocktail tonight.
I'll be staying the night with Gina and Beth instead, although they're heavily involved in the party planning so when I get there in the afternoon I'll go to Dad and Sherri's house first and then ride to the party with them. It just occurred to me it may be late before I get back to Gina and Beth's place with them, if they stick around to help clean up and whatnot, but that's fine. Whatever the case, I do feel like I've got a fun weekend ahead of me.

[posted 12:22 pm]