five nights this week

Not much to update you on today, after yesterday's update on everything over the weekend, and then I wound up spending all evening last night at home. I even got so tired so early, for some reason, that I was in bed before it was even 10:00. Shobhit worked until 10:45 so I never saw him after work yesterday. I did go to Trader Joe's at Shobhit's suggestion to get milk, oil spray and focaccia bread, which I was able to pay for with the $11 debit card sent to me by AT&T as a credit after closing my account so it could be merged with Shobhit's. Side note: I was kind of astonished by how delicious that focaccia bread was. Trader Joe's really does have some super delicious private label stuff. Eating that bread, I thought about how it makes sense that chain has some very ardent fans. (As does PCC.)
Anyway! I also made soup for dinner, to have with the bread, and I ate while watching the pretty satisfying Watchmen season (and maybe series?) finale. That final episode wraps up a lot and it was good, but the 9-episode season had maybe four episodes that were legitimately incredible; this particular episode was not on par with those. It was kind of a comedown by comparison—but, I won't call it a disappointment. The series overall is phenomenal and I will recommend it earnestly until the cows come home.
Then I watched an HBO comedy special by a comedian I only heard about on Twitter named Dan Soder. The first half was all right; the second half was a fair amount funnier. It passed the time. I then actually just sat looking at social media on my iPad with both cats on either side of me, on the couch.

In the end, I actually could have gone to the Doug Loves Movies taping last night. I thought it was not going to be possible because I thought last night would be my one chance to see the movie Bombshell—what I hadn't realized was, when I looked up movie times for that, it was actually showing them for next week, not this week. It doesn't open until Friday. There were no other movies for me to see last night, so I just spent the evening at home. It's just we well I did not spend the money on the Doug Loves Movies ticket, even if it was only about twenty bucks. I bought my "Cinematic 6-pack" for next year's SIFF because of a deal where it comes with another six complimentary tickets to SIFF movies in regular relief, which will save me $54 in the long run. For now, though, that was a $67 expense and now my budget balance is negative. I didn't need to be adding another $20 to that deficit.
It's also just as well, since it was nice to get one evening off when I have plans every other weekday evening this week, and those are not mistakes or likely to be broken. The Merchandising Department at work is taking about 10 of us to the Seattle Men's Chorus holiday concert at Benaroya Hall tonight. Shobhit and I are doing this month's Vegetarians of Washington dinner tomorrow. I'm going to Kent to see The Rise of Skywalker with Gabriel and Tess (and Lea, I presume? unless she's out of town again) on Thursday. Laney and Jessica and I are going to hate-watch Cats on Friday. Even with no plans last night after all, it's still a busy, busy week.
Oh. One other thing. I got an email from Stephanie S yesterday, the woman who was my supervisor until she left PCC in 2011. I've exchanged messages and emails with her here and there since, but I haven't actually seen her since we last had drinks once in 2015. It's been a while.
She was concerned about a guy named Larry who used to run one of the more significant distributor companies we work with. Apparently he got in a car accident. I asked Scott if he knew anything about it, and he said he did: Larry was apparently in a coma for several weeks and only recently woke up . . . with the "mental capacity of a third grader."
Jesus. That's some scary shit. And super sad. I always liked Larry. Hopefully he can recover from this. Mom did from her stroke, after all. This is a different kind of trauma, I realize, but still.

[posted 12:21 pm]