little lunches

After yesterday's major update on Christmas Eve and Christmas, I have far less to update you on today: I took myself to see Little Women last night, and I daresay that even though I already expected to enjoy it, it still exceeded my expectations. I walked the rest of the way home from Pacific Place, wrote the movie review, and that pretty much sucked up my entire evening.
The showing was at 4:25, so even though I usually leave work at 4:30, I left yesterday at 4:00 so I could make that showing, instead of having to go to the 7:30 show. Apparently someone expects a shit ton of people to go to this movie, because I was shocked by how many theaters I frequent it's playing at: Pacific Place and the Meridian downtown; SIFF Cinema Uptown on Lower Queen Anne (which is pretty close to where I work); even the AMC 10 in the U District. With my AMC Stubbs A-List monthly membership it stood to reason I should not waste any money anywhere outside of AMC theaters, and there was no sense in going all the way to the U District to see it either, when it was right there at Pacific Place. Still I didn't want to wait to see a 134-minute movie until 7:30 on a weeknight. It would have been 10:30 by the time I got home.
Knowing that AMC tends to have about 24 minutes of trailers before movies start, I figured with a 4:25 pm showing I would get home at around 7:00. Wrong! It was already like 7:09 by the time I got out of Pacific Place and onto the street. Then it was a roughly 20-minute walk home. I dished myself some of the lentils and rice Shobhit made for dinner before leaving for work, and then spent the next hour or so writing the review. It was nearly 9:00 by the time I was all done, and after scanning Twitter a bit, I was ready to start getting ready for bed shortly thereafter. I was super tired last night and slept soundly all night, after waking up around 4 a.m. the previous night and being unable to get back to sleep for nearly an hour.

Oh! One thing I never got around to mentioning in yesterday's entry since it was all focused on Christmas: yesterday I met Karen for lunch, finally managing to meet up twice within the space of one month, for the first time in several months. And even that was only barely! She had what sounded like a lovely Christmas at home with Dave, Anita, and Dave's sister; as of today they are all flying out to Massachusetts to visit Karen's parents, as they apparently do every year for New Year's.
The most interesting thing I learned otherwise from Karen is that Anita is getting all into finding fun cocktail recipes and making cocktails. She said she and Anita had gone to Total Wine & More on Christmas Eve, and Karen had never been there. A staff member was far more helpful than she even really needed, in picking out some wines, and she wound up buying six bottles. They didn't see Shobhit that day, though—as Dave and Anita had when they went there Thanksgiving Day—as this time Shobhit was working at Big 5.
We split the Gyro sandwich as always. In fact the waiter asked Karen if that was what we wanted before I even made it to the table, but that was indeed still what we ordered.
Last bit of news: I called Intercity Transit again today, and, no AirPods. Just as I expected: no Christmas miracle for me! I had to cover my bases, though. Now it's off to buy a new pair this weekend. I wanted to go to the Apple store to explore iPhone upgrade options anyway; I'm ready for that dual-lens capable phone camera for once.

[posted 12:34 pm]