another day, another movie

I took myself to see yet another movie yesterday—after seeing four movies in as many days two weeks ago—yesterday was the third movie I saw in as many days. Although if you want to expand it to the "Thanksgiving weekend" box office window that started last Wednesday, I actually just saw my fifth movie in six days! Since Wednesday, the only day I did not go to a movie was Friday. I went to the Lighting of the Tree Ceremony after work that day.
Anyway. Last night I took myself downtown to Pacific Place to see Queen & Slim, which really could have been better but was still good. Solid B. I've sure seen a lot of movies lately that are rather long, several of them hovering around 130 minutes. This one was 131 minutes. I actually furtively got a look at my phone to check the time when the trailers were finally done after the listed 5:05 showtime, and they had gone on 25 minutes. So the movie did not actually start until 5:30; it was therefore right around 7:35 when I left as the credits started.
Pacific Place is undergoing truly massive renovations right now, the likes of which I don't believe it has seen since it first opened in late 1998 (it was just finishing construction when I moved to Seattle that summer). They've temporarily closed the main entrance, detouring shoppers in through a store on the corner. It's a toy store. How did I never notice there's a toy store right there on the corner? Maybe because it's fairly new itself. I don't remember what used to be in that spot. Almost all of the shops in the building are being replaced with something new, the AMC on the fourth floor being one of the exceptions. As far as I can recall, the Barnes & Noble on the southeast corner has been there since the building opened too, and they don't seem to be being too affected by all the construction.
I stopped on the ground floor to get an amusing photo. I would have caught my bus had I not done that. Worth it! The #11 pulled away from the stop when I was half a block away. So, I wound up walking the rest of the way home, about a mile.

I ate too much candy at work yesterday, but having just a little bit of leftover potato dish from Thanksgiving with just one of the lentil puris Shobhit made seems to have made a difference: my weight was actually down this morning. I want to be super careful about this the next three days, as this weekend is going to include way too many huge meals: our annual "holiday potluck" is on Friday (postponed into December from the usual mid-November because of the store opening at Ballard last month); then Shobhit and I drive to Wallace on Saturday. We'll be hosting a huge lunch for everyone on Sunday, for which Nikki and TJ will be coming down from Spokane as usual. Becca had actually said they would plan to visit that same weekend too, but I feel less confident about her and Tyler making it. The Facebook Event I created for it indicates Becca has seen it, but she has not RSVPed. So we'll just have to wait and see, I guess.
Then I wrote the movie review, which I feel like I wrote well. By the time that was done, it was only a few minutes before Shobhit was home from work—I had also made chai and had a cup waiting for him—and soon thereafter it was time for bed.

[posted 12:21 pm]