last weekend of 2019

I really did no socializing over the weekend, but it was still super busy because, unlike most weekends, I posted a lot of stuff—most of it the requisite end-of-the-year retrospective posts. Shall I just run through them real quick for you? I also saw two movies and thus wrote two movie reviews, so I'll also include those in the list of everything I posted over the weekend, because that very much contributed to how busy I was and how much work I had to get done.
in the morning: finished writing, and posted "Top 20 Audio 2019: Top 10 Albums, Top 10 Podcasts"
in the afternoon: wrote and posted my review of A Hidden Life, which I had to bus all the way down to SIFF Cinema at the Uptown on Lower Queen Anne to see at noon; its run time was two hours and 54 minutes, so that sucked up the bulk of my day
in the evening: worked a fair amount on my Worst Five and Top 10 Films of the Year post
in the morning: finished writing, and posted "Cinema 2019: Best & Worst"
in the afternoon: wrote and posted my review of Uncut Gems, which I walked downtown to AMC Pacific Place to see at 12:20; that one's run time was 135 minutes, so it still took up the bulk of my day, just about an hour less of it than Saturday's movie
in the evening: finished up the online version of "2019 at PCC," which I posted this morning but won't send as email to select work contacts until tomorrow; also mostly finished up the "2019 In Ten Minutes" video I intend to post tomorrow morning but want to run through one or two more times this evening before I finalize and save it as a video file to upload to Flickr

Even outside of all that, I managed to get grocery shopping done with Shobhit on Friday night (I bused direct from work to meet him when he got off at 5:30 at Big 5 in Northgate; we then went to both Costco in Shoreline and PCC Greenlake Village, where I used the last-ever member coupon to combine with my employee discount of 15% to make a total of 25%, thereby saving roughly a hundred bucks and spending barely less than the $200 I had budgeted); help Shobhit make parathas for the eggplant squash he made Saturday and we had for dinner both Saturday and last night; watch two episodes of His Dark Materials, and last night we watched about an hour of The Irishman before getting bored with it and turning it off (turns out I had only missed about 15 minutes that day I overslept from a nap and got to Cinerama late; I thought I had missed half an hour), then we watched an episode of The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel. I then went back to finish up the aforementioned year-in-review video (which is probably more video-clip heavy than any of these I have ever done, which made editing it down to 10 minutes more of a challenge, but I did it), and just before going to sleep, I finally managed to watch Friday's season finale (I think) of The Mandalorian. Shobhit was out in the living room watching The Two Popes while I did that; I watched The Mandalorian on my iPad while lying in bed.
I then slept like a log through the night for a solid seven hours. It was nice, honestly.

[posted 12:30 pm]