the scone zone

I actually went out last night! I mean, this still qualifies as "sort of" for me -- the movie theatre is arguably my second home, really. I took myself to see the really quite impressive documentary They Shall Not Grow Old, exclusively consisting of original film footage and audio recordings of soldiers in World War I, much of it stunningly colorized, all of it amazingly rendered in 3D. It was totally worth seeing, and absolutely is better in the theatre than it ever will be on a home TV screen.
It did mean I saw very little of Shobhit yesterday. For the third evening in a row, I walked as far as 9th and Pine, and then I got on a bus the rest of the way. Shobhit was at a job fair in Pioneer Square; at his suggestion, I cooked up another batch of rice and also boiled and then fried four more eggs to add to the leftover egg curry, which I then had for dinner while watching the first episode of the current, third season of Crashing, which Shobhit would not have had much interest in anyway.
Ordinarily I would have walked back downtown to Pacific Place for the 7:15 showing of the movie, but in the interest of conserving energy in this week with a cold taking a while to go away completely, I bused there and back. That gave me some reading time, which was nice. On the way back I only managed to catch a #49 bus, which took me up as far as Broadway; I then walked the last six blocks home. Shobhit was asleep on the couch and he didn't actually see me since I just went to bed instead of writing the movie review -- again, to get needed rest. I wrote the review after getting to work about half an hour earlier than usual this morning.

I got to work at about 7:04 this morning for two reasons. First, I woke up right at about 5:00 this morning, and opted not to try sleeping longer -- I had to get up and do push-ups and planks. Second, I deliberately skipped the usual breakfast of a bowl of cereal, which saved me the most time.
This was because this new-ish woman in IT, named Michelle, was so appreciative of my helping her figure out flip chart information regarding the imminent unveiling of a new Point of Sale (POS) system -- I barely understand flip charts myself, so it's not worth trying to explain here -- that she brought me two scones as a thank-you. I ate one of them immediately, and saved the second for this morning. Knowing I had that waiting for me, I decided to save myself the extra calories by skipping the cereal.
I don't suppose they technically had raisins in them, but they did have some kind of dried fruit in them. I had left my desk and then come back at one point on Wednesday, and Tracy suddenly said, "No coconut and no raisins!" I knew immediately he was referring to me, because I've had conversations about how much I hate either thing being in any of my foods. I think Michelle had been asking if I had any dietary restrictions or something. Anyway, dried fruit or not, both scones were actually quite good.
So! The countdown is nearly at its end. The new Highway 99 tunnel through downtown is set to open to regular traffic on Monday -- but I'll be walking through it tomorrow, and then biking through it on Sunday. At the moment, the forecast for tomorrow has improved, and for Sunday has worsened. I fear Sunday might turn out to be the wettest bike ride I've ever had. I'll have to be careful about how I dress that day.
I've had a couple new exchanges with the owner of the unit in the Braeburn West building that Dad and Sherri will be staying in tomorrow night. He's handing the keys over to me at 10:00 tomorrow morning. I'm glad we managed that, as it will be much easier than trying to coordinate the handover in the evening.
Iffy weather -- and my lingering cold (I am notably less congested today, so that seems like a good sign -- notwithstanding, I'm really looking forward to this weekend. I am a little wary of a semi-significant bike ride several months since I last rode a bike, but I'm sure I'll be fine.

[posted 12:39 pm]