back at it

I had hoped to go to a movie last night but changed my mind because Shobhit wanted to finish up with taxes and seemed to think I should be home for that . . . and, it never happened. I figured we could go see Isn't It Romantic tonight right after I get off work instead, before we go to a cheap Valentine's Day dinner.
I walked to Target on my way home and picked up much-needed Resolve carpet cleaner, which wouldn't have happened had we gone to the movie yesterday. And when I got home, Shobhit was in the middle of making lentils and rice with vegetables for dinner. I helped him finish it up, and we had that as we watched a bunch of TV: the last two episodes of season 3 of One Day at a Time on Netflix; this week's Will & Grace on Hulu; a rare watching of the latest episode of The Late Show with Stephen Colbert because Shobhit noted John Oliver was a guest. We watched until the John Oliver segments were done, and you know what? All the stuff that led up to it beforehand was a lot funnier, actually. Still, we're happy John Oliver's Last Week Tonight returns to HBO this Sunday.
Anyway. Shobhit was going to be getting off work today around 1pm, but he got asked to work a full shift until 5:00. So, I'll just be going to the movie on my own and Shobhit will meet me for dinner after. I know at least one of his coworkers is sick, and plenty of called in this week due to the snow.
Speaking of the snow, many bus routes remain on snow reroutes -- not because there's even the slightest need for it downtown or even much in adjacent neighborhoods (such as Capitol Hill), but because it's still needed once you get further outside of that zone. It was rather strange, though, for buses to be even less reliable for me today than they were yesterday -- yesterday I got on two different buses to work. Today? No bus overtook me for my walk all the way down Pine; and no busses were coming quickly enough on Pine to justify waiting, as I already knew from experience I would get to work more quickly or even quicker if I just continued walking. So today, once again -- I think maybe for the third time within the past couple of weeks -- I walked the entire 2.4-mile distance to work. But it was fine; I listened to Pet Shop Boys' 1986 debut album Please and had a great time singing along.

I was a little bit concerned about how much snow there might still have been in Magnolia when I emailed Karen this morning to confirm we were still meeting for lunch -- our last lunch was three weeks ago, so, well before all the snow began. But, she wrote back, Yes, I slid my way out of the neighborhood and am at work. I’ll see you at noon!
So, I just got back from the requisite second-Friday lunch (we meet the second and fourth Friday of every month, so on average every three months or so there's one break of three weeks rather than two) with Karen at the Six-Seven Restaurant at the Edgewater Hotel. We "splurged" and paid an extra $1.50 for fries with the gyro sandwich we now always split, which we won't ever do again -- the fries were fine, but the potato chips that come with the sandwich by default are way better. So that was odd -- paying extra for something inferior.
Otherwise we spent the majority of our hour together trading stories about dealing with the snow the past week or so. She managed to drive into work herself for the first time this week only yesterday; she said, like most of the city, she left work early last Friday in an attempt to beat the coming snowfall, and a drive that usually takes her about 12 minutes to get home took her 45 minutes.
We spent the last ten minutes or so talking about local skyscraper architecture, and then I walked back to work and here I am and it's time to get back to work.

[posted 1:23 pm]