another low-key thursday

I actually didn't spent a whole lot of time with Ivan yesterday, but I did see a bit of him -- enough for him to get a point for the day for the next Social Review, anyway!
Shobhit and I were both home all evening; he was in the middle of making a paneer vegetable dish for dinner when I got home from work, and I helped him finish making it. Apparently Ivan had been gone since before Shobhit got home from his half-shift at work mid-afternoon, but he actually came in the door while Shobhit and I were cooking, and he mentioned how busy his day had been so far, running errands.
He left again probably within half an hour or so, as he had plans to go hang out with people from a Seattle queer pagan group he used to be involved with, a dinner between, I think he said 6 and 9 p.m. He had overheard Shobhit suggest making chai later and he was very interested in that -- so much so that he even messaged me while he was at his dinner, Don't forget the chai!
And, I was actually the one who made it -- light on the water component and heavy on the milk, at Shobhit's request. Ivan got back right around 9:00, and he hung out in the living room with us, drinking chai and sharing some of the Oreo Cookies Shobhit broke out of the kitchen cupboard, for about an hour after that.
Shobhit and I otherwise spent the evening watching TV: the first episode of American Crime Story: The Assassination of Gianni Versace, which only recently became available streaming on Netflix; and five and a half episodes of season 4 of Cheers.
So basically my evening was generally uneventful. Tonight should be a bit more eventful: I'm meeting Ivan for dinner at the Marrakesh restaurant in Belltown right after work at 5:00. And we may go see a movie tomorrow.

I just had a 200-calorie sample "fresh fruit & oat bar" for lunch. Peanut Butter Banana Chocolate Chip flavor, so it was pretty damned tasty, actually.
I deliberately did not bring a regular lunch to work today because that dinner with Ivan at the Marrakesh promises to be pretty heavy. It's always a lot of food.
That hasn't stopped me from grazing from the sample snack bar, of course. Scott moved it to the Merchandising Pantry table, and invited the whole office to test it, even using a weight scale being proposed for this setup in stores. All the snacks in it are now a full week old. Kibby saw me taking some from it early yesterday morning and said to me, "You're actually eating that stale ass food?" Yep! I mean, how stale can candy coated "chocolate drops" (basically m&m's) get, anyway? She then told me "be careful of mouse droppings" while I chewed away walking back to my desk.
Okay, what else? Today's Daily Lunch Update (DLU) finally utilizes the last of my "DLU" photos featuring last week's snow. Unless we see another snowfall this year -- and although we keep seeing snowflakes days ahead in our weather apps, they no longer ever seem actually to materialize -- this should be it for snowy DLU photos.
Thanks mostly to the heavy number of photos I took last year for both the botanical gardens during my Birth Week and of Yellowstone National Park for Shobhit's and my anniversary trip in June, I still have a backlog of well over 900 photos for potential use in DLU posts. I suspect I'll make a good dent in that over the course of 2019, though; neither my Birth Week nor our anniversary are likely to yield nearly as many photos this year. In fact all we're doing for our anniversary this year is a single overnight stay in Portland, Oregon -- our lowest-profile anniversary trip in since 2014. For me personally, it's fine: I have so many other travel plans this year already -- trips to both Upstate New York and Las Vegas with Danielle; and a trip probably late summer with Shobhit to visit Sara W in Denver. None of these are totally set in stone yet, but hopefully eventually they will be.

[posted 12:27 pm]