and so it goes

Just a short, quick post today! I have too much on deadline today to spend too much time on this, but that's okay because I kind of hardly have anything to say anyway. Last night I left work at 4:20 so I could bike to the Egyptian Theatre on Capitol Hill in time to see the quite good documentary/concert film Amazing Grace, after which I rode the rest of the way home, wrote the review, and then made burgers and fruit smoothies for dinner and dessert. We have too much fruit about to go bad and so I made smoothies.
Shobhit was home from work just before 9:00, so he had a dinner waiting for him . . . and then he also ate a cheese sandwich, and some fudge, and some biscuit cookies.
We then watched two episodes of season six of Cheers, which was an annoying affair because suddenly my Apple TV keeps crashing and stopping the playback, and I keep having to wait for it to reconnect to WiFi. I have no idea what's going on there -- is the Apple TV box starting to die? I so don't want it to! -- but it's fucking crazymaking.
Anyway then I went to bed, and Shobhit, probably just tired from such a long day working two jobs, came to bed too.

Otherwise, the tinkering of my Birth Week plans goes on. Spending time with Ivan in Bellingham has become complicated, somewhat predictably -- the original plan was to stay two nights with him at his place, but now I've booked a fairly cheap AirBnB for just one night instead. He told me the days off he had been granted have been rescinded due to his work being woefully understaffed, but I still want to go to Bellingham as planned, rather than drive all the way back home again on the same day I drive from Shelton to Port Townsend to meet up with Auntie Rose. The hope is that I can still get together with Ivan there outside of his work hours -- he typically works graveyard anyway. He has suggested he may call in sick one day, so I'm rather hoping that's how that works out.
And as for the unplanned cost of that AirBnB, my long-planned day trip to San Juan Island via the Clipper on Saturday 4/27, which has been rendered an impossibility due to Shobhit needing to keep the day open for his new job, has instead turned into a day trip to Anacortes and then taking the Washington State Ferry to San Juan Island this Saturday instead. Taking the Clipper for two would have been over $200, and the state ferry cost will come to about a quarter of that. So, even with the AirBnB I'm coming in well under budget. I may even contact Harvey, who I worked with here at PCC between 2002 and 2004 and now also lives in Bellingham, for local activity recommendations.
Also, this does get Shobhit's car back to him a day earlier than initially planned -- at least until I need to take it overnight again to Olympia on Wednesday.

[posted 12:30 pm]