shaking out

I've got something pretty close to nothing for you today.
Same shit, different day, really. Except instead of shit, really it's more accurate to say "perfectly fine day to day routine." It's not shit at all, although it could certainly be argued that I watch way too much TV these days. We're only in the middle of season 5 as we binge-watch Cheers on Netflix!
We did watch the season premiere of HBO's Barry as well.
I did help Shobhit with chopping as he was in the middle of making a cabbage based dish with some truly delicious daikon-filled parathas for dinner.
I also need to get my shit together, in terms of food consumption. Yesterday I hate several bites of peanut brittle and chocolate at work; I had a cocktail while we made dinner; and I had a small bowl of peanut butter ice cream. I weighed in at 155.9 lbs this morning. I was thinking about this: having just one of those three things yesterday likely would have been fine. It's doing all three in one day that's really the problem. I need to quite that shit.
Shit, shit, shit! I can't stop saying "shit" today!
(Same shit, different day!)

Any other news? Not much, beyond being in the midst of making plans with Danielle for our late May and early June trip to Toronto, Niagara Falls and Syracuse. The flights are booked and now we need to figure out hotel and car rental. Looks like we'll be getting together on Saturday now, to finish figuring this stuff out.
Oh hey it's also April 2 now and my birthday is the last day of this month. I'll be 43! And I already have most of my Birth Week all planned out. Nothing truly confirmed yet with Danielle or Gabriel though, and they're the most important friends I've got! It does look like Shobhit is likely to do some pretty notable activities with me on at least two days, maybe even three that week. We'll see how it shakes out.
That kind of applies to any day, really. We'll see how it shakes out.

[posted 12:31 pm]