
Yesterday, I rode my bike home, and then, at Shobhit's request, I made dinner out of a box of "Pasta Roni" angelhair pasta with a cheese packet to make sauce, with added milk and butter. Also at Shobhit's request, I sautéed "a lot of vegetables" to add to it: onion, bell pepper, lots of mushrooms, even some finely chopped broccoli and some frozen peas. Real greens in my dinner! Oh and I chopped up a fried veggie chicken patty, which was my own added touch and I thought it worked well.
He had a Braeburn Condos board meeting last night, and as he expected because last month's meeting had to be canceled, it ran long -- scheduled between 6:30 and 7:30, it was closer to 8:30 by the time he came back upstairs. Michael, the Board president, came into the condo with him, to look at a valve behind our refrigerator that is plastic and now known to be a potential hazard in the building that needs replacement. We're going to try and buy one at Home Depot and replace it ourselves for $25 rather than pay $110 to have a plumber do it. We'll see how that goes; there is no question I will wind up being most heavily involved in that process.
Shobhit got off work at 5:00 and it was a bit after 5:30 by the time he got home. We watched about 2/3 of Last Week Tonight with John Oliver by the time he had to go downstairs to the meeting. I spent much of the time he was gone working on captioning my Birth Week photos -- only two and a half photo albums left from that week and I'll be done! Last night I started with the Bellingham photo album, and I had to text this shot to Ivan because I hadn't quite registered two weeks ago what a great shot that is, of him standing on rocks beneath trees on the coast of Larrabee State Park. I love the composition of the photo, and the curvature of the rocks. He almost looks like he's surfing on them. ("Yes, very otherworldly and alluring," he wrote back.)

After Michael left, Shobhit and I sat back down to finish Last Week Tonight with John Oliver, and then I put on Sunday's episode of The Simpsons, only because I knew the episode had been written by one of my favorite people on Twitter, Megan Amram. And . . . it was okay. After that I tried turning on this week's episode of Chernobyl, but Shobhit was distracted by something on his computer and the episode was too long, so I may just watch it on my own this evening while Shobhit is working. I would love to go see a movie tonight but there's just nothing playing that particularly compels me.
Since I had lunch yesterday with Karen, it was today I got to eat the second half of the macaroni and cheese I made on Friday. And holy shit, it was delicious! And then, when I was walking through the Merchandising pantry area, Lynne was setting out just-baked sample flatbreads and she was like, "Matthew, are you hungry?" I mean, not technically . . . so I had a slice of that too. And holy shit, it was delicious! You know what I lead a pretty good life.
I mean, I was back up like half a pound this morning compared to yesterday but whatever, it happens. I'm still on track! I just have to lay off the snacking between meals. Right after I finish this slice of flatbread! Listen it wasn't very big, okay!
The rain has returned, by the way. With my Birth Week done and gone, most of which had spectacular weather, I'm being to being here for it. I'll have a nice, leisurely walk home from work tonight under my umbrella, listening to my "Rain" playlist.

[posted 12:35 pm]