My tweets
- Wed, 5:36: Criminalizing abortion is misogyny. That's not a stretch, it's not a leap, it's a very concise fact.
- Wed, 8:09: RT @JenaFriedman: In Alabama, life begins at rape.
- Wed, 10:01: Just received two emails simultaneously from one person saying "Thanks!" and one person saying "Many thanks!" So obviously the second person wins.
- Wed, 11:17: PROTIP: Sharing memes won't change anything. Literally nothing changes anything the way the simple act of VOTING does -- and specifically, for those positioned to make the desired changes. This is what far too few people understood in 2016, in spite of this being the known result.
- Wed, 19:52: Tonight I discovered I’m “have to pee twice for every cocktail” years old!