slipped off the wood

Well, I guess I didn't knock on enough wood yesterday -- I've definitely got a cold, probably the one Shobhit has. My greatest hope now is that it just runs its course a lot quicker and less severely than Shobhit's seems to be. He's really hacking up phlegm these days, it's pretty gross. Me, so far anyway, all I've got is an irritated throat and just a small amount of fatigue. It didn't stop me from riding my bike to my dentist appointment this morning, where I warned the hygienist that I have a cold. "You have a cold every time you come," she said. I thought about it, and . . . she's kind of right.
"I guess I tend to get a cold around the same time every year," I said. When I left I thought about saying, "See you the next time I get a cold!" -- but then I forgot.
For once I'm apparently brushing to their satisfaction -- no one told me to do anything different this time. At their instruction from my last appointment in the fall, I now brush exclusively with an electronic toothbrush and don't put any pressure on my gums at all. They did once again mention getting the gum graft, which I so, so don't want to get; they were less forceful about it though, evidently because my recessed gums are now less inflamed. My argument at the moment is that cost is an issue; when I got an estimate in 2017 my insurance only said they would cover something like half the cost. Now I'm wondering if I should go for it since I have a flexible spending account for the first year ever, and nearly halfway through the year I actually haven't used much of it -- and whatever isn't used at the end of the year, I lose. Perhaps I will revisit it again in the fall.

I otherwise had a pretty low key evening last night, a whole bunch of which was dedicated to helping Shobhit make dinner, which was a lentil soup with tons of vegetables, served with some of the dosa batter leftover from sampling at work last week. Shobhit did not quite make something called dosas, though; I forget what he called it but it must have been uthappam -- basically, dosa with finely chopped vegetables sprinkled onto the batter as they become savory pancakes on the grill. In any case, they are very tasty to eat with the lentil soup.
Then we watched this week's episode of Chernobyl, which continues to creep me out but is very well done; after that we watched Sunday's episode of Last Week Tonight with John Oliver. I gave up on any more TV after that because I wanted to get some better rest last night than I have in days, and for once I was asleep before 10 pm -- 9:50, in fact. I got nearly seven and a half hours of sleep! I hope to duplicate that again tonight, although I do still intend to see a movie tonight; I want to take advantage of a day when Shobhit is not working an evening shift -- he won't be tomorrow. Still, if I wake up feeling worse tomorrow, I will call in sick and stay in bed all day. That really does seem to speed up the recovery process and I am zero interest in still being in any way sick during my travels next week.
Hopefully, though, I'll wake up feeling better tomorrow. Thoughts and prayers!

[posted 12:22 pm]