back to basics

Finally back to the standard Daily Lunch Update (DLU) today -- very little of anything new to tell you! I'm kind of struggling to catch up at work, but it's still fine, nothing to fret about. I'm not overwhelmed, and it's a change of pace from when I find myself running out of things to do every few weeks anymore. I do have to spend a while telling people about all I did last week, such as Steven coming by to talk to me about my week and sitting down to hear about all the boat rides I took and waterfronts I visited. He also told me about his birthday weekend -- his birthday is only two days before mine, on April 28. I guess he took that following Monday off and he and his husband took a weekend trip to Southern Oregon.
I also learned he and his husband are raising 17-year-old twins, who were 11 when he and his husband got together. Holy shit. Steven is pretty young; he just turned 29 -- his husband is much older. Still, he consistently surprises me with how very, let's say, domesticated his life is. And good for him, I don't fault him for it at all -- but I remain eternally grateful that I never had children of my own. I really love my life just the way it is. That's the beauty of diversity, I guess! It also applies to opinions and preferences -- the world would never run properly without it.

Anyway! Last night I rode my bike home from work, and I considered riding my bike all the way back to Lower Queen Anne for the movie, and decided I just wasn't up for that much bike riding yesterday, even though it absolutely would have saved me time -- I could still catch a #8 at 15th & John and that was just easier. So I did that, and I took myself to see Her Smell, which was . . . good. Not better than good, as it had its demerits, but still good. I don't know who I would tell to see it, but I'm glad I did.
That showing was at 6:15, and I got home at about 9:00. The movie was longer than I'd realized, 134 minutes. I'd say at minimum 15 minutes too long. I spent the next hour or so writing the review, and was just finishing my exercises before bed when Shobhit got home from work. We were thinking about seeing Avengers: Endgame this evening but Shobhit decided he wanted to postpone so we could finish the TV we still have to watch tonight. Fine by me. I'm trying to decide now whether to see Avengers tomorrow whether Shobhit wants to come along or not. There's not really anything else for me to see, at least not at an AMC theatre and I don't want to spend more extra money at a SIFF Cinema theatre, as I did last night.

[posted 12:29 pm]